
Anybody on here living in dubai?

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i just joined the emirates flying school,how do i make friends in dubai other than the ones in my school?

my mail id is

if you are interested n being one please add me





  1. I live in Abu Dhabi.

  2. Depends on your interests.  I can tell you this much, cabin crew of any airline in Dubai/Sharjah make friend finding rather easy.  I would try to hook up with some of them.

    If you are into sports, I know there are some intermural teams sponsored by the airlines.  You may have to do you homework, but a friend found is a friend worth keeping.

    I'd offer to be a friend.... but that would be quite inappropriate.

    Good luck!

  3. Abhishek, how can you be friends with mere strangers? Just roam around Dubai and you will get people. Use Facebook to interact. :)  

  4. i am living in dubai  

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