
Anybody out there with the exact same favorite sports teams as me?

by Guest55823  |  earlier

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Baseball: Red Sox

Basketball: Celtics

Football: Patriots

Hockey: Bruins

College: UNC




  1. i mostly agree with you but i hate the patriots, if they were really good they would have gone undefeated, plus tom brady is a pretty boy, crappy quarterback.

  2. Baseball: Cubs

    Basketball: Celtics

    Football: Packers

    Hockey: Red Wings

    College: USC

  3. my fav teams are redsoxs, celtics,  jets, and the rangers but i dont have a fav collage team. Even thou its not exactly the same teams we are close. :)


  4. wow i hate all those.

    baseball:dont have a fav.




    college: dont know

  5. Probably 20% of the Northeast... most of em' are top ranked teams in their sports.  I mean I thought the Patriots would win the Superbowl, I knew the Celtics would win the Finals, and all the others are among the best also.

  6. all the same except baseball.

    sorry but im  yankees fan

  7. idk, i like how you have like 1 favorite area. (boston)

    and i admit they are really good.

    but i hate how good they are. i loved how the giants took the pats. that made my day.

    plus tom brady is a little *****.

  8. sorry love UNC and the red sox but i also love the cubs sooo but then i like the bears the bulls and the black hawks sorry man hhaha

    Hopefully we will see a cubs redsox worlds series this year!!!!

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