
Anybody remember Pepsi Blue?

by  |  earlier

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And if so, did you love it? Hate it?




  1. It was yummy =]

  2. Didn't Like it.

  3. I remember it, I loved it. It reminds me of Detroit  I always got the stuff with ,my grandfather. Awwww good times.

  4. hate it =(

  5. yea....loved it.

  6. those were the good old days

  7. I  remember it vaguely

  8. I liked it. but then I didn't reallly like..but I didn't hate would have been more pleasnt if it glowed..I like glowing drinks...they are much of a turn on to drink them.

  9. I was in 5th grade at the time (came out in like 2002 right?). I tried it at a Subway with my friend. I remember this vividly (because my friend moved away and he was a good pal of mine). We both sipped it at the same time and both HATED IT and did a spit take at the exact same moment, it was pretty hilarious for a couple of 11 year olds.

  10. I didnt like it

  11. it was soooooo awful

  12. Yes I do and it was so gross!

  13. It tasted like watercolors.

  14. hated it, but not as much as I hated crystal pepsi

  15. Yes, I do.

    I'm not a big Pepsi nah.

  16. soundss/look kinda familiar

  17. Loved them let me go grab one... back in time.   NOT! DISGUSTING! I remeber it! Thanks for reminding me!

  18. ewww yes it was gross to me! lol

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