
Anybody remember this kinda old candy?

by  |  earlier

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The last time I remeber eating these was about 10 years ago, and I haven't seen or heard of them since.....the candy was shaped kinda like a crop circle. it had a crazy little design. The candy kinda had a gusher/fruit by the foot texture. The candy was individualy packaged in a wrapper on a rectangular white sheet. To eat the candy, you had to pull the candy off of the white sheet. I remember the candy being green red and was chewy...if you guys know what I'm talking about, please answer. this has been bugging me for a while now..haha thanks!

Oh and btw, I'm not talking about the little candy dots on the white paper...its kinda like those, but it isn't.




  1. ^^ all that comes to mind is fruit gushers XD sorrie thats probably not it cause i dont know what that white paper is oh wait u mean FOOT BY THE FOOT? i think its that XD

  2. Fruit roll-ups?

  3. sorry to hear that..i hate when that happens and u cant remmeber

  4. try here you might find it or request it. cheers

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