
Anybody shoot field targets air gun?

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I have a Gamo CFX underlever with a Gamo 4x32 scope. I'm a pretty good shot. I made an inquiry about shooting at a range where they do field target shooting. They asked about my equipment, when I told them, they said "don't bother, you'll be lucky to hit 1-2 targets all day. This is typical of most break barrels and low end under or side lever rifles like mine."

Is this true? They said a regular shooter with a RWS 48 that cost 2x the price of my gun and a scope that cost nearly as much as my rifle only shoots about 10-15 out of 40. This seems ridiculous.

They mainly use PCP guns and their "kits" easily exceed $1,000. I'd find myself too disappointed.

Are they just snobs? Does it require massive investment to shoot well? Seems a half decent air rifle costs as much or more than a good .22. I don't get it.




  1. yes they are snobs and no it doesnt take a $1,000 gun or kit.  im not really into shooting air guns. i can tell u from experiance with my real firearms is.  keep the gun clean after u are done for the day or the weekend sit and clean it. next is, get three different types of ammo and shoot a group of three rounds per brand. whichever gives u the best group is the ammo u will want to use. next is always remember to squeeze the trigger, dont pull cause this will cause u to throw the shot.  hey good luck!

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