
Anybody take serequol?if so have you drinkin alchohol?tell me your story!im curious!?

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Anybody take serequol?if so have you drinkin alchohol?tell me your story!im curious!?




  1. Hey hey, I take Seroquel. I take 600mg at night, I have been for almost a year now.

    YES I drink when I take it, sometimes.. it makes it all that more fun..HA =)

    Ok for real.. do yall go to medical school? do yall even take the drug?? I take a large dose daily and have been for quite awhile, and I've never experienced these "deadly" effects when I mix it with a little booze. It just makes you relaxed and you get drunk a lil quicker.

    note: do not mix seroquel with opiates!!

    ok that's another shpiel for another day!

  2. i never have before, but i do know that it's NOT a good combination, may be fun...but everyone reacts to medicines, and alcohol differently, so combining the 2 may not be a very good, if you are going to combine the two to "have more fun" while drinking...that's you decision...butt if you are just wondering what it's may make you act differently..but as far as taking medicines and drinking alcohol, the alcohol counteracts what the meds are there to do..sooo there's no point in mixing both.

  3. i can make you black out and not remember anything.  also, on the health side of things you could have seizures.  not a good combo...

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