
Anybody tell me about peace corps?

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once you are recruited what happens next?




  1. You apply. They take one applicant out of four. Once they decide you would be a good PCV, they look for a match between the requests they have from the developing countries and your skills. If you are, for instance, a math teacher, and Peru has asked for a dozen math teachers, and you speak Spanish, they ask you if you'd like to go to Peru. If you decline they look again and ask "How about Kenya?". (You get to pick regions, but not countries.)

    If you decline too often they drop you. The key is the skill match. Someone with noble aspirations won't get an invitation if her skills are not in demand.

    Once you accept an invitation you get half a dozen shots and head to your country for three months of training in language, culture, history and your job. Up to a third of your training group may drop out before they complete their training. (Our group had a person who didn't get off the plane that took us to Kuala Lumpur.)

    Once you complete your training you swear in as a real live PCV. This is the proudest moment in many PCV's lives. It is in the top 10 for all of them.  You get a short break and head out to your job. There you work harder than you will the rest of your life, make life-long friends, learn about an entirely different culture and change the world. You won't change much of it, and you won't change it much, but you will change the world. Most PCVs change it for the better.

    If the people in your area practice ritual tattooing, you may get one. There is a good chance you will learn a language that no one else in your home county back in the USA has heard of, never mind being fluent in. Quechua, for instance, or Iban.

    When you get home you'll spend the rest of your life either starting sentences with or biting your tongue to avoid start sentences with "When I was in the Peace Corps . . .".

    You may put up a web site. I did.


    explore their website for all your answers

  3. I think you have to have a college degree. They you go to Africa and give people malaria shots

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