
Anybody think that dem Prison Officer help Ali kill heself.?

by Guest57843  |  earlier

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i think he get off too easy, wha allyuh say?




  1. Gul i believe dey kill him wee. An i fine he get off too easy. They shoulda have put him in ah jail cell wit about 10 strapped marn and he hand cuff and leave him they. Or they could have drop him in a tank full off piranias . This is redicilicious. What are we comming to. I too upset bout de ting to tink straight.

  2. yea, i feel it definately have more to dat..

    dey must be either watch him do it, or help him do it..

    i woulda make that dog suffer though, he really get off too easy..

    is corruption all over, yuh know how easy it is to have a false autopsy report!

  3. yes they give him the razor blade to do so - maybe to save themselves the trauma of looking at the sicko - but I wanted him to have his day in court!

  4. I might sound like ah heartless, but I eh care.

    If was me, I woulda give him everything and convince him tuh kill heself.

    Why? It save taxpayers money, it save Hope family having tuh go through de ordeal of ah trial, and is best he dead than come out ah jail and do de same ting again to another child.

    He get off east here, but even de devil eh want tuh see he face.

    De mudder have tuh take some blame too. Ah big old hardback, with ah young man like dat and yuh have ah gyul child in yuh house.

  5. well to be quite honest - who cares how he went atleast now he is not a threat to little kids in trinidad - the amount of rumours circulating you dont know what to believe - someone i trust really well who has firsthand info of this case told me the mom may even been negligent and wasnt really in work they claim she either has another guy or knew what was going on and would leave her with him - because allegedly she works in Hi-Lo which would have been closed at the time she claimed to be working but who knows right ? - if the Mom didnt know what was going on or wasnt negligent then i cant imagine what she is going through -only poor innocent Hope who is the real victim in this know the whole truth

  6. YES! I think dah dem kill he,he never kill he self.Dey mighta kill him in d jail anyway though.

  7. Lez, just last night i was telling meh aunt that God knows why i working where i working, cause if i was ah Prison Guard, i mighta "accidently" put him with the general population.

    Now having said that, i find he was supposed to suffer at the hands of some men much bigger than he for ah few days, just so he could get ah feel of how Hope felt.

    If a Prison Officer help him, he get off way to easy.  he decided that she shouldnt live to say what he did so he slit her throat and bludgeoned her.  Then went home and tell her mom that he was feeling for ah drink, so he went and drink two beers?

  8. I believe he was helped by some other prisoners who are in for life.

  9. Fu real how de donkey yuh under watch and in ah High Security area. What he used to cut he self ? He teeth ? Like it does have blade just lying around in dey to use.

    But i wish that he really got his day in court eh ...yeah man. After dey convict he, he wuda be in Gen. Pop daz whey justice wuda prevail.

  10. i have tuh say it mus be ah inside wuk, ali cyar slash his wrist and hang he self or vice versa.  he shoulda do the time but now he have to answer to god for de death of hope and he self.....i glad ah not in he shoes nah.

    anyway, enough here today going back to enjoy meh holiday.

  11. dey help him.

    in a report dey say oh how dey stripped him to he underwear so he wouldnt have anythin tuh endanger himself.

    so how de monkey he hang heself?.....see dem saying dat right dey is like insulting my intelligence. so if all yuh do all dat and he still slit he wrist and hang heself den somebody help him.

    buh me so was keeping he alive us so he could get torture.

    matter ah factly ah was puttin he tail wid all dem general population high security fuh he. ent yuh bad take yuh pressure.

    he so hadda get he fingers chop off and bend ova and take iron fuh he bottom tuh bleed like chow.


    an i agree wid ashti

    de mudder have some fault dey....but he still ah sick nasty gutterball trollop fuh doin dat

  12. i think that they left certain things layin round his cell to help him do what he do. serious- normally in those cases they have to take everything away from them that might endanger them (like belts, shoelaces etc).

    and plus, you know how police like to talk! i sure they was raggin on the man and made him quite aware what was gonna happen to him. and...worst yet...he had to face the public, and the other inmates- who do NOT tolerate child molesters. he had a stamp on his forehead from day one.

    im sorry that he didnt get to face justice here, but, surely, God's justice will prevail on him.

  13. yea dem help him...cause if he was on suicide watch where he get things to slit his wrist and hang himself?

    And y dey doh do dat to d heartless donkeys who kill Sean Luke..dem apparently have no conscience jed

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