
Anybody think the refs did a great job last night?

by  |  earlier

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Good calls they made and not letting the Pens coaches bickering get in the way of making the proper calls.

This is called a makeup question to try to start to even up ALL of the bitter Pens fans.




  1. Unfortunately yes.

  2. The only reason people are complaining is because the Flyers powerplay actually decided to show up today.  Fans ignore the horrible calls against them when they win and whine and complain all day when they lose in a game full of them.  Every game this series has had horrible calls against both sides, the Flyers have been the ones complaining to this point because they lost, you can be sure that it would be the other way around with Pens fans complaining if it was 3-1 the other way.  What bugs me is when a team starts complaining about refs when they know that the refs didn't cost them the game, like the flyers fans who complained about game 3 when it was 3-1 without the open netter and the flyers didn't show up at all.  Otherwise, complaining about officiating is as natural to most fans as drinking beer and, (if from philly) pouring it over other fans heads.

  3. This is all NBC's doing.  They expect bad weather on the east coast this weekend and recognized that this is a prime weekend to boost their hockey rating.  That and their only other option to replace hockey was a Friends mini-marathon.

  4. Game 4 vs the Flyers was almost a spitting image of game 4 vs the Rangers. The Pens looked flat,  they did not finish off the checks and there D was invisible in the first period. As the game went on they picked it up a notch. too late. Pens win game 5 5-3.

  5. Only if you are a Cryer fan.  They blew a few calls in the 1st which gave the Cryer's more PP than they deserved.

  6. Just like the TV show 21, all businesses have a vested interested in getting as much revenue as possible.  The refs work for the these businesses, so they are doing a good job ensuring additional revenue.

  7. Very clever Bob! ............Sorry ...Joe! (where did I get Bob from????)

    2 minutes for "Hooking"! LOL

  8. When I think of bad referees, I always compare them to NBA refs.   I recall being at MSG as a kid during the NBA Playoffs and remember Patrick Ewing walking from the free-throw line and making a layup.   Not once, not one game; but often.  I think it was against the Bulls or Pacers in the mid-90s.

    That was obvious.  

      I don't have a vested interest in any of the playoff teams, no I have no bias against the refs or for a specific team.    Are the NHL refs really that bad?

  9. Not a biggie.  The Flyers fans will not be seen again this year.

  10. I hate the refs.  They always cheat.  They are always yelling at my favorite players and giving them unfair penalties.  They are biased.  I wish my mom could take away their birthdays.  They are really buger heads.  I am telling mommy on you because the Pens didn't win.  You are going to make me cry in my cheerio's again.  Stevens should just congratulate Sid for having a pube-stache.

    ***Add, I forgot to mention that the refs were told by the league to have the Pens lose.  My source on that is the person who asked that ridiculous question a few down.

    ****Yeah, the person she loves is close to my name I figure she is stalking me.  Therfore she must be reliable, well as reliable as Forsberg's ankle

  11. No bitter Pens fan here.  The Pens were out played last night.  They looked flat in the first 2 periods, and the Flyers defensive pairings played well against Malkin, Staal and Crosby.  I do not subscribe to the whole 'refs throwing games' and such.  The Flyers are a good team or they would not have gotten this far.  The Pens played physical for the first 3 games but seemed to be lacking that physicality last night.  I noticed several times Orpik and Gill and Letang pulled up in the defensive zone instead of finishing checks like the Flyers were doing.  It almost appeared that the Pens were expecting the Flyers to just give them the game.  They play the flyers all season, they know better than that.  Should be a good game Sunday in Pittsburgh.  I have heard rumors that Coburn and Timonen may both play.

    ** Joe - I think the physical presence was lacking in the Pens defensive zone but the Flyers offensive play had a lot to do with that.  The Flyers passes were a little faster and more accurate than the previous games.

  12. You should have done the same question for the Wings fans Thursday morning...

  13. No! what exactly is clipping??? they missed a lot of calls on both teams not that i expect them to call every little thing but still. However it isnt anything worth getting worked up over because the pens will win anyways

  14. Yes, the refs did a great job last night. The Pens were undisciplined last night, and certainly deserved their penalties. Hopefully my answer to your question sets an example to the homer and bandwagon Pens fans.

    ...That being said, I'm also relieved that the Flyers happened to have a game where they got most of the calls. Then Coach Stevens, Hatcher, and Lupul don't whine after the game about the Pens' "superstars" getting all the calls. >:P

  15. they are all bitter because they were proven wrong

    Did the ref's take away their brooms?

  16. As a semi independent fan whose team is long gone. I didn't think it was that bad and certainly no worse than usual.  The Pens only took 9 total penalties in the first 3 games, they were due.

    Often times a team that gets beat takes more penalties and as fans we like to blame the penalties for the loss.  Usually what happens is the team that loses is not playing well, is a step behind the other team and ends up taking penalties because they are playing poorly and are out of position.

    I too like to blame the ref's but in all honesty what comes around goes around.  There are missed blown calls each game but on average it all evens out.

  17. i think the refs did a pretty good job. most of the playoff games i have seen have had iffy calls. according to most of the pen fans the refs blew it for them but oh well, i think the flyers came our hard and earned that win. the refs called some close calls but hey they helped us out!

  18. That and religion told the refs to rule in the Flyers' favour. Did anyone see that hit Buddha made on Jebus?

  19. noah the nhl refs aren't even in the same bad zone as the nba, mlb, or soccer refs...but they're going to get there.

    hahaha. the pens coaching bickering refering to coach therrien bawling out the ref on that penalty call. meh. it was a good game, refs didn't make stupid calls...i can't say a team was favoured.


    lmao 288

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