
Anybody who's in yahoo360 too...?

by Guest61278  |  earlier

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i want to use the theme of the other user... is it possible... how... anyone who can help me...




  1. Hi there ... yes you can use use someone Else's theme.

    In the page of that person underneath their picture in that area you should see where it says: Make this theme mine. Click on those letters and that will make their theme yours.

    Good luck to you

  2. Yea find the link on their page that says make this theme yours and click on it. it is on the left side on the 360 page in small print.

  3. Go to that persons page and over on the left hand side of the page under their id image is the option to make that theme yours.

    I caution you if this is  a custom theme you are wishing to use from another person.. this person may not like it at all! Use caution especially if the background is of this persons family

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