
Anybody who has really good stories about....?

by  |  earlier

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...personal ghostly experiences??




  1. In mine and sister in law's spare time we will occasionally investigate paranormal sites.. we've done it for years. The first and LAST time I was using her EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) and about 3 minutes into the recording, I began hearing a multitude of voices saying, "Run away, run away.." for about 45 seconds, then the recording went silent for about 5 seconds and then the most terrible horrific growl sounded. Needless to say I grabbed her and we said thank you and got the h**l out of there!! I'll stick to photography from here on out!!

  2. i know one i tell my kids so they will go to sleep. it is called 'the shortest ghost story in the world' "Once there was a ghost this tall. and you use you hands to show that he was only 6 inches. tall [good night.]

  3. No, i cant say that i do.  Im just blessed that way.

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