
Anybody who knows a lot about paranormal supernatural stuff you think you can explain this?

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The other day a friend of mine came to visit me. During the day he decided we should meditate together. After we were about 10 minutes into it I started to feel like I was being pushed away from him and then I started to hear a man yelling. After we were done I told my friend about it and he had no idea what it meant so I just let it go. After that we decided to take a walk up to the cemetery because its right across the road from my house. We went and sat down on the steps of one grave that has a statue of a woman. We sat there and talked for awhile and then I noticed there was a black cat watching us.It was a very large cat and kind of had a little bit of grayish hair. As soon as I told my friend the cat was there it ran off. We followed the cat. It was weird because at first the cat was running away from us but then it stopped and looked at us and then it started walking slowly again. It kept looking back at us like to see if we were following. It took us to a bridge that was at the end of the cemetery. That cat walked off into some persons yard and we just stood there trying to figure out if the bridge meant anything or if we were just crazy. We looked around and we looked in the lake beneath the bridge and we didn't see anything strange.Then the cat took off running so we went back into the cemetery. My friend stopped to brush off a gravestone that was dirty and then he bent down to read it. He started freaking out. The first thing he saw on the gravestone was the date Mar10 and his name is Mario. Maybe it was nothing but he just seemed so genuinely freaked. We went back and sat down at the grave we were at before.Out of nowhere Mario sees a white cat run out from behind a tree and it dissapeared by a gravestone. We went to go look at the gravestone. On the back it had a little message I don't remember it all but it said something like after the storm a bird rebuilds its nest and then something about a pine tree and there was one right behind us and there werent many in the cemetery.Then it talked about a beetle attacking or something and about a river so we walked over to the lake in the cemetery. I kicked a rock and beneath it was 1 beetle. We looked into the lake and I thought it was raining because i could see raindrops hitting the water. And before this I remember telling Mario that there was going to be a storm but I'm not sure why I said that. We couldn't feel raindrops. I thought it was just the way the water moved but then mario started doing this thing weird thing with his hand and where ever he directed his hand the water moved. We went back and sat down again. We started talking about some issues in my life and I started crying. I went to wipe my eyes and I had tears of blood. Not alot just like 3 or 4. I know it was blood they were red and they tasted like blood. After that me and Mario ran out of the cemetery and the whole time we could hear somebody following us. I'm not trying to sound like I'm crazy but all that stuff really happened. Maybe we are crazy but if somebody thinks they can explain what happened I would really appreciate it.




  1. I think your house may be haunted or at least your land. you could have also unknowingly opened a door into the spirit world. you could be Psychic too.

  2. Instead of fascinating yourself with evil try  fascinating yourself in the word of God. You'll sleep better.

  3. It sounds like your whole experience was just part of your natural process. You Clearly had strong pent up emotions that needed to get out. If that chain of events never occurred, you would still be sitting with all those emotions bottled up. It is what I call a "divinely forced cleansing". You have walked your proper path, you are well:)

  4. The vast majority of what you put down appears to be coincidence.

    Sometimes a cat is just a cat.  And sometimes a feeling is just a feeling.  And I'm sure that there are other people besides your friend who are named Mario, and occasionally even Marios die.

    And considering that you were walking quite a bit and it appears to be near woods and near stone bridges and gravestones, there's a fairly good chance you just rubbed too close to something and got scratched on your head.  You just didn't notice it, and when you went to wipe your eyes from crying some of the blood happened to get on your hand.

    Your want to believe that this is something more convinced you it was tears of blood.

    This seems more to me to be a want to believe than that anything actually happened.  I understand that there is more to existence than can always be explained by science, but this does not appear to be one of those times.  At least not to me.

  5. im not saying your crazy or not but ive watch many of paranormal shows ans they say that a cemetary is the last place that would be haunted because all that have died would haunt were they died not a cemetery but who nows but the spirts  

  6. Okay, let's see.

    First you saw a cat which you followed.

    Then you saw a gravestone with Mar 10 written on it.

    Then you saw a white cat.

    Then you read a message but you're not exactly sure what it said.

    Next you saw a pine tree and then a beetle.

    You saw a lake and wind or fish disturbed the surface of the water while you friend waved his hand around randomly.

    Then you cried 3 tears of blood

    Last you ran out of the cemetery.

    Apart from the tears of blood which as the other guy said may have come from a small cut that you were unaware of it sounds like a pretty ordinary afternoon. So what exactly is the paranormal part?

    Maybe hanging out in the cemetery is not such a good idea since you are so imaginative?

  7. Thatch the best live experience abt the paranormal i've heard.

    No worrries everything will go well it might have been just a majour coincidence .

    I you believe the someone is trying to get in tough with u from another world(beyound the grave)

  8. Please don't take offence.

    I'm guessing that you own a lot of books on magic, psychics, Earth mysteries, ghosts and the paranormal? You believe that if you practice enough and meditate enough you can activate your spiritual chakras. Amongst your circle of friends there are one or two who also believe what you believe?

    If any of this is accurate, my next point might be too. If you immerse yourself in the paranormal you begin to relate to the world in ways that appear paranormal. You lose your perspective. A cat becomes a symbol or a warning. Random events take on mystical significance. An overheard sentence generates meaning.

    It's a risky path to tread because it involves replacing reality with another one. I believe that strange and wonderful things happen in life and I enjoy the wonder of it. You don't need to add layers of extra meaning; life's special enough.

  9. The fact that you meditated before this, probably means that you tuned into your inner "psychic".  

    Most people when speaking about "becoming a psychic" or "How to train your Psyche" they usually start with saying you should meditate.  You probably did reach into your mind and  grab something out of it, but I cant explain the man yelling, perhaps it was a siren to pull you there.

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