
Anybody who knows a thing about ghosts, please look at my pictures?

by  |  earlier

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This is a picture that I took on a mission trip. See the girl with dark, curly hair with a white tank top on? The orb (it's blue) is right above her head.

Now this one was taken at camp during the camp dance. I've heard several stories of the camp being haunted (it's been around since the '60s) so I took a picture of it with flash. This is in a concert shell.

This picture was also taken at the camp dance. I think that some of the orbs in these camp dance pictures might be moisture.

After I noticed orbs in my pictures, I took a picture of the shell part of the concert shell (basically the ceiling) and voila, tons of orbs. I zoomed in and you could see some blurred red parts around some of them, which I believe might be energy.

This is the last picture I have of these orbs.

I would like your opinion on this. Anybody who does not take me seriously, please leave your bogus answers on another question. :-) thanks!!




  1. The first one looks like the moon and as for the rest maybe its a bit of dirt inside or outside the lens of your camera. My laptops screen has it too and its hard to remove.

  2. Your lens is definitely dirty. Clean it off, that's all!

  3. your lens is dirty.

  4. well perhaps you school is haunted i don't want to scare you but could it be built an old grave yard? or a sight of an old battle.i don't know where you live and if your pictures are a hoax.but i have really seen orbs and i did not feel scared they moved away after about 3-4 i believe myself to be lucky.  

  5. I think that's just c**p on your digital camera's sensor.

  6. It's definetly your camera. I'm not a skeptic of ghosts. My parents have spiritual sight and have seen them before.

    But according to your photos, it looks like it's just your camera's fault. It happens alot when you use the flash

    well my dad's friends have captured ghosts in pictures before, yes it can come in orbs, sometimes real figures.

    My dad was standing in the middle with no one in front of him.

    when the picture was developed, a lady was in front of him. NO effects!!

  7. It looks like dust particles to me.  Keep trying though, its a fun hobby and if you one day get something good on film it will be pretty amazing!

  8. About 99.9% of orbs are dust particles, and yours are defiantly dust. Sorry, its a fun thing to do though, i often go around my house just snapping pictures hoping to catch something. Haven't yet, lots of dust orbs though :)

  9. It's hard to assess with few photos. It can be a number of things. Dust, pollen, humidity, moisture, camera malfunction, light refracting , etc. When I have taken photos in reportedly haunted places, I have another person taking photos with a different camera. One digital, one standard. If the anomalies occur in both, we may have something but it needs more follow-up. Your photos look interesting enough. =)

  10. most orbs can easily be explained away as mundane things such as dust, insects, or dirt on the camera lens. orb pictures mean little, you'd need something more than that to show any proof of paranormal/supernatural activity.

  11. 1st pic could be ive seen them before but the others are just on camera but keep trying you'll get 1 on camera 1 day

  12. I would think that if your lens was dirty the orbs would be all in the same place on each picture.  The ones in your pictures are not.  I happen to believe that ghosts are attracted to gatherings of people.  Especially where there is a lot of emotions, good or bad. The one picture looks like every ghost in town came to the event.  While there may be specs of dust in the place, who is to say the spirits didn't use

    those very specs of dust to manifest themselves?  No one can say one way or the other, because no one knows.  Remember, there are not experts in the field of Paranormal Activity.  So your orbs may be dust particles (not a dirty lens, like I said, not all in the same place on photos) but they could also be the area spirits coming to have a good time, too.  The cool thing is, we do not really know.    

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