
Anybody who plays volleyball at a public high school do you know around how much it costs for the whole year?

by  |  earlier

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like on a team i mean =)




  1. it doesnt cost money to play volleyball at skool!

  2. around 15 or 20 dollars

  3. Most public schools do not expect thier players to pay much money to be on the team, especially if it is Frosh or JV level.  There will probably be a fee to purchase practice shirts ($25) and your shoes will run you from $35-$90 (depends on preference).  The only other thing needed are kneepads ($15).  This is if your school does not have a booster club that raises money for the program, if your school has such a program then these fees may be less.  Also if you have a financial situation that hinders you, talk to the head coach, they are usually very willing to help out.

  4. On a more serious note.... for our school it is about $125, which includes bus fees to each game, referee payments, and uniform.

  5. At my public high school, here's about how much everything costs;

             school wise            sport fee-$15-25


             equipment wise      good kneepads-$15-20


                                              court shoes-$30-60

      So the total for playing volleyball at my highschool           adds   up to anywhere from $65(without camp) to $170.

        Hope I helped.....................................

  6. 3 cents and a ball of lint!!!

  7. at our school you have to pay the athletic fee ($25) and if you don't have kneepads or shoes you have to get those (cost depends on what brand). We buy warm-ups (I forget how much those are) and t-shirts ($10-$15). Also camp is about $30.

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