
Anymore I can hardly listen to the news as it is presented, because I see it only as men and women trying to?

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impose their personal views on me in a obvious and biased manner. I feel that certain events in our past have led the news media to feel they have more power than they actually do because intelligent individuals will eventually get tired of them and only turn their television sets off. Even those individuals who share their views can not be so dim-witted as to want to be spoon fed the garbage that comes out of the media's mouth. What do you think?




  1. Try reading the newspaper instead.

  2. I think you have it completely wrong. None of the newscasters in mainstream media are allowed to give you their personal opinion. The text they read is written for them and they cannot deviate from it (except for the chatty little nonsense between stories). News editors look over evey bit of news and run it against higher ups from the gov ernment and from their advertisers to make sure it offends neither one of these.

    You get the news your government approves of on television.

    You get slightly freer news in some newspapers, but they too are not allowed to publish certain stories, and they too are siper conscious of offending advertisers.

    Really this is true. Your idea that individual newscasters have any freedom in what they present is way off base.

    There is no such freedom in a commercial medium, and there is certainly no such freedom in contemporary locked down America.

  3. You're entitled to your opinion.  

    The "media" have a multitude of voices and opinions.  TV is only one medium.  And the talking heads are not necessarily giving their own opinions.

  4. How much of this feeling comes from watching 24 hour news networks?? It's become clear that Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC are entertainment networks posing as news coverage. They are driven by ratings which lead to higher advertising rates, and news coverage cannot help but to be biased when driven by advertising dollars. Watch the nightly news broadcasts (ABC is the best) and BBC news, everything else is entertainment only.

    And keep this in mind. It should not be 'The Media' it should be 'Various Media Outlets' or a 'source within the media who works for....'. Lets say you worked as an accountant at Coca-Cola and you said 'I hate Asians'. Is it then to be known that the Soda industry hates Asians? Reporters AND Media Outlets must be held accountable for their opinions. It is not THE MEDIA saying it, it is one reporter or anchor who works for one particular media outlet. The Media has no single voice, it is millions of outlets ranging from print to video to audio to electronic (web).

  5. I agree with you.  The news media controls what we will see and what we don't.  That fact alone is a sign that they do have the power to influence views of others.  I have felt this way for some time but it amazes me how many people don't see this.  I believe they try to control the elections this way also.  When you watch different things on TV you can see how different individuals try to subtly influence viewers to their views.  I still watch the news because I do like to know what is going on in the world.  But I don't take everything I hear in the news and media as hard solid fact.

  6. In grade school my daughter had a teacher that requested they turn off TV for 6 weeks.  At first it was hard, like coming off of an addiction, but then it became very rewarding as true family values like reading, hiking, art and dance classes took it's place.  I actually enjoyed the peace so much that I kept it off for over ten years.  They were wonderful years when I missed all the traumas and turmoils, and simply lived life well with friends, family and true values.  I am about to do this again and cancel my cable service.  Try it!  It's truly rewarding to live life better without the problems.

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