
Anyone's husband in the Navy?

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Mine is thinking about joining. I don't really know much about anything dealing with it. We also have a five month old son. What's it's like dealing with your hubby and babie's father away?




  1. my dad retired from the navy. my hubby is in the its not easy but you learn to deal

  2. My father was in the navy. If you want to ask anything specific i can priobably help you. Just email me.

  3. It was extremely hard. My husband was in the marines from 1990-2007 and was sent to Iraq numerous times and parts of Europe. Myself and our 18yr daughter have waved good bye plenty of times from an airport and no matter how many times you do it, it's a feeling you never get use to.

    The big problem we had was between my husband, our 6yr son and 5yr daughter. Our son was born in Oct 2001 and our daughter was born in Dec 2002. He was sent out in Jan 2003 and spent 90% of the following 5yrs on tours, coming home for no more than 2-4ms at a time. Our son and daughter never really got use to having him around and didn't bond with him. Infact, my daughter was afraid of him and believed he was a stranger.  I recorded my husband's voice reading stories, had videos of him talking to the kids etc but a young child can only bond so much with a voice. When he came home in March 2007 for good, he realized how bad his relationship with our middle two children were and felt like a failer. He begged for another child so he could start over and "not s***w up". The next few months were a very hard struggle, but we got threw it. My kids now want to do EVERYTHING with him. We ended up having another baby back in March....18yr age difference between our oldest and our youngest...oh boy.

    It was hard and stressful having my husband away. On top of constantly worrying and wondering about him, I had a family to take care of a raise. It's just has hard on them, if not more. To be honest, him being killed was ALWAYS in the back of my mind. What would I do? How would I handle it? How would the kids handle it? etc.

    I would never tell someone, "Don't join.", because I have a great appriciation for any man or woman who wants to be part of the armed forces and fight for our country....but I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach everytime I hear about a father/mother sign up. You'll miss out on so much and who knows what the experience will do to you or what it'll leave your family with.

    Good luck

  4. well im an army wife and its very hard dealing with him away,we dont have any kids but im 3-4 weeks pregnant now. its ok,u can deal with it. it is hard,u get used to him being there,then u have to get used to him being gone,then there again. its 100% worth it as long as u have a good man. good luck!!!!

  5. Im engaged to a guy in the army, its difficult having them gone, but once they come home it will all be worth it.

  6. My husband just got out because he wanted to be apart of our children's lives! He re-enlisted before we married and while finishing his time we had two, and got pregnant with the third! Thankfully he's done, because his last set of orders were to Iraq for a year. If any recruiter tries to say he will only be on a ship and never hit the ground war, that recruiter is LYING!! Many people we know have had orders to Iraq while on shore duty (which is supposed to be the break after doing 4-6 years on a ship) and those on ships that went into dry dock (where they dry up the underside of the ship to work on it from both the outside and in, plus repairing whatever else) were being sent to Iraq for the length of the dry dock! No one is safe right now!!

    I will add though, that prior to all these people being sent to Iraq, my husband decided when he was waving goodbye from the ship to our daughter and me on his first deployment with a family, that he never wanted to do that willingly again, and set his mind to getting out when his time was up. But this whole war made it even more of a "Yes, I'm getting out, I don't want to willingly risk my life so my children do not have a Dad!"

  7. tell you flat sucks. My husband is in the navy and is currently on a tour. We also have a 3m son and he left within 2wks of him being born.

    It's hard because I'm left to take care of the baby myself. On top of the stress that comes with being a mother of an infant, I'm working, taking care of the house and worrying about him 24/7. Is he ok? What is he doing? What is he seeing? What will he be like when he returns home? Are we going to have to face any issues? etc.

    Being part of the Navy is something my husband had always drempt about and something he enjoys being a part of. Though now with the baby at home, his wants and interests have changed. In the few phone calls and letters we've had over the last 3ms, each one has expressed how much he wants to be home to help me with the baby and how he wants to try and get out as soon as possible so we will be able to be a family.

    He's already missed out on so much and won't be home until November. I hope that he and the baby do not have any bonding issues when he returns home.

  8. Well I'm an Army wife so I hope I can shed some light on what its like when your husband is away. Mine is on his 2nd tour to Iraq right now, he left this time when our son was 8 months old and came home on R&R when he was 15 months and just left 2 days ago =-( It's hard to see your son not really know his own father. He knows his face but for a few days wouldnt let him hold him. then they bonded like crazy and then he left again. I cried so hard when my husband's hand left mine and he walked down the terminal, then my son waived bye bye to him but he didnt know his daddy was going back to war. I felt like I was drowning. For the next 6 months I feel like a single mom. It gets lonely and stressful. You have to deal with things on your own. You cant bring certain things up to them when you talk b/c you cant stress them out more. The worst part for me isnt the time that he's gone its the uncertainty. For the positive it gives us the ability to have the lifestyle we want for our son, I stay at home and I love it. I never could have imagined I could be this strong and independant. Your experience is what you make it, so if you guys do this try and keep positive. Think long and hard about it. It takes a strong woman to marry a military man.

    Oh and PS I love the name Corbin that's my son's name too! Good choice

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