
Anyone Else Have Crohns? We are TTC #1?

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Anyone with crohns disease have any luck TTC? I am on month 7 and still trying. I have very irregular periods because of poor absorbtion caused by the crohns. We're hoping for a baby soon! If so, how did the crohns effect pregnancy?? :) Thanks




  1. sure do!!! i was diagnosed when i was 12, I'm 19(very close to 20) now, i got pregnant about 2yrs ago but miscarried about a month in,at that time it was a good thing because i was way to young and me and my husband (bf at the time) we not ready, now he really wants one and i kinda do too but am really scared! i read an article today about how if your in the middle of a flare up or not in remission that your body can/will actually stop you from conceiving for your protection,but if your in remission they said you have just as much of a chance of conceiving as regular women (lol not saying were not regular lol) and that you can have a perfectly normal and healthy pregnancy...good luck,if you find anything that works lol obviously besides s*x plz let me know!!

    wish you all the best,


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