
Anyone Else Have Nipple Problems?

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I'm a guy I workout four times a week I try and eat fairly good, I am 6' 2'' and 180 lbs. I'm not that fat. But My nipples are totally white like the rest of my chest they are very puffy unless I'm cold. Also water sometimes comes out of them when I squeeze them. So anything I can do to make them not so puffy I hate it I don't even take my shirt off I'm too embarrassed.

Anyone know of a way I can get rid of my puffy nipples?




  1. WTF! water? umm.. go see a doc.

  2. At the top of your computer - type in - Puffy Male Nipples - click Go & see how many websites pop up dealing with your problem.  Many have the answer you seek.  Good luck.

  3. I'm not really sure, but you should probably tell a doctor about that. No one should ever really discharge fluid out of their nipples not even women. Unless they are pregnant or were pregnant.  

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