
Anyone Have Unwanted pets? ?

by  |  earlier

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If you have any pet's that you do not have time/care for anymore and you live around Thorold, Niagara Falls I could take them I have great expirence with animals and love them. Just leave a comment telling me the animal, any medical condictions( please tell me because I have other animals and it could effect them), and where your location is.




  1. no answer mine;...

  2. I live in Dallas so if you come this way I know a couple of people who shouldn't have pets but I think what you are doing is amazing.

    I hate when dogs are mistreated or unloved

    Thank you and you will have much favor in your life

  3. Not for long. BAM !

  4. yea..i have a big aass elephant...

    u wanna take care of him?

  5. I hope you are not a backyard breeder or animal farmer 0_0 they commonly advertise like this and then onsell or breed the animals.

    Why dont you go to your local shelter and become a volunteer or fosterer if you want to help animals?

  6. Do annoying roommates count?

  7. Mine are wanted.

    Better luck next time?


  8. nope

  9. Ok the chances of finding someone on Y Answers in your area is so bad.... Just ask around and say urself 5 points...

  10. i have a guine pig   i live in fl

    it needs a home im geting a cat hes very cute if u got myspace and if u want him pick me as best answer and tell me your url for myspace (if u got 1) ill show u pics of him if u want him

    i have no time for him anymore D=

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