
Anyone Heard Of Max-OT?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm 15, male, trying to build muscle mass. There's this free online program called MAX-OT about weight-training.

According to it, I'm supposed to only do weights that are heavy enough for the 4-6 rep range.

Well, due to surgery, I can't use above 15 pound weights for a while. I can do 15 pounds for about 8 reps or 10 reps. So, what should I do?




  1. 15lbs? like curling man idk then u cant do max-ot it's a great bulking program though cutting idk about but great for bulking my friend gained 10lbs of muscle in 2 months and like 2lbs of fat so that's really great well plus he ate as it said to u gotta follow everything or dont do it cuz the way u must lift incorperates in howu eat etc wait till u can lift heavier then do it seriously it's really good im gonna do it after soccer to bulk up for lacrosse right now im trying to get cardiovascular fit u know but when u do it DONT buy their supplements it's gonna say buy all this supplement c**p it's so unnecessary go naturally of course whey casien good but other than that nothing else u need good luck man

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