
Anyone Help! Am i g*y? ?

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so lately i have been having g*y tendencies 24/7. and not to girls. when i see attractive or hot guys on tv on magazines my attention is drawn to them, not to the attractive women. and im starting to have a crush on a guy i know. ive never really been attracted to women and unlike them men turn me on. am i g*y? what do you think and how did you find out you were g*y?




  1. It sounds to me like you are. For me, i fell in love with a female teacher at school. I was head over heels for her. If you are thinking about that person sexually and it turns you on, then id say you are probably g*y. Especially if you arent attracted to girls. Do you have people you can talk to?

  2. Yes, sugah, yes indeed,  g*y it is!!!  

  3. Read your question to yourself, I think you already answered the question, yes you are g*y!

  4. Yea your g*y :D

  5. do u like boys? yeah u are g*y. basically.  

  6. I think when I found out I was attracted to men was when I saw Harrison Ford in The Empire Strikes Back, he just had something about him that made me go nuts over him.

    I don't think you'll be able to deny the fact you are g*y.

  7. You are definately a homo if you're turned on by the same s*x.

  8. ur g*y!

  9. Just tell your school, if youre hated by some people, s***w them, as long as you have a group of people who support you, you're good.

  10. I'd say you were leaning toward being g*y and you won't fully know until you've experienced af few sexual encounters with males to be sure.

    I always knew I liked guys as much as females, and after a few steady gf's (I was monogamous while with them) and a encounters with guys between gf I realized that guys give me more satisfaction then gals. They seem to know what I prefer and how to do it better than gals as they know I know what they want and how to do it better than gals.

  11. i knew i was BI when i felt the same thing you did towards girls, but i also love guys so are g*y =] congratz

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