
Anyone Here Been To A Psychiatrist?

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I've got an appt. to go to a psychiatrist to try and get over a phobia. I'm really nervous, can anyone tell me what the first visit will be like?




  1. If you have a phobia, the last person you want to see is a Psychiatrist because all they do is sit there and expect you to solve your own problem. You do not state what your phobia is, but there are people that can help you overcome your particular phobia by gradual exposure to the the phobia you have, whatever it is.

  2. Yes, they help, it's relaxing and there isn't anything to be worried about. They are unbiased and only there to help. Good luck!

  3. The psychiatrist sits you down and makes you comfortable.  They talk about your past, what your life has been like, who is in your family, what your relationships are like with them.  They ask you about what is troubling you and then ask you more questions depending on what it is.

  4. Just know that when you leave you will feel much better than you did when you arrived.  They are there to help you end the things in your life that are torturing you and to listen and help you overcome.  Trust me it is something to look forward to if you are having problems with anxiety and/or phobia issues.

  5. first visits, easy.

    they just want to get to know you, and why your there. and stuuf like what causes it and stuff.

    the next few times they warm up to you and so on.

    i went to a psychiatrist (3 of them) for anger management lulz.

    but that was because i got in a fight with a police officer, and i won. so i kinda got away with it. next time when they caught me they had tazers though....



    too much info


  6. It's not a big deal.

    The doctor will ask you some questions about how you feel and you need to answer as accurately and honestly as possible. You will probably be asked if you have certain symptoms that aren't anything like what you have.

    Typical questions are: do you feel sad, have you lost interest in your work and hobbies, do you feel like other people want to do bad things to you, do you ever hear or see things that other people don't, etc. Just give an honest yes or no answer. There's no need to worry about it and the doctor is not trying to insult you or imply anything about you. They need to know what's going on with you to be able to find the right treatment.

    There will be other questions about general health and if anyone in your family had mental illness.

    The first time I went to a psychiatrist, I thought he was going to ask me about a bunch of weird questions about what I thought about my parents and so on, but it wasn't like that at all.  

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