
Anyone Know Of A Good Teen Novel?

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I'm a 13 year old guy, and am looking for a good read. I have recently read Books Buy The author Pepe Hautman, but theirs just not enough romance (yeah, it sounds weird, but i like a good make-out/ s*x scene in my books) (but I'm not a perv) and I'm looking for a book on these standards:

Atleast One Make-out/ s*x scene

Somthing That Will Grip My attention, and keep me hooked.

Without a Title Like "The s**y Stripper Prostitutes" (I Live in a house with my mom and 3 other siblings)





  1. twilight saga

    i lovee the series!

    : )

  2. i loved the book catcher in the rye.  its starts off a little slow but its a great read.

  3. The Catcher in the Rye is perfect for teenage guys.

  4. the lake of dead languages by carol goodman

  5. Definitely try Twilight if you haven't.

  6. ok!! s*x scenes!! my friend told me to read this book and i was super shocked at all the s*x scenes and talk i swear you will love it!!!

    its called "hairstyles of the damned" by joe meno. seriously im usually not into stuff like that but this book totally change my outlook.

    all i can say is....its intense

  7. the tomorrow series by John marsden was a favourite of mine when i was your age, there is a few love interests but nothing full on,

    It was really good  

  8. Ok the 3rd sister hood of the travling pants has 3 s*x SCENES!! lol I know chick book.

  9. The Twilight Series, u got to read the 3 first books then the 4th thats when it gets all romantic like u want, the first 3 still havetht but the 4th is great for what u want, u will LOVE the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer

  10. Basketball Diaries by Jim Carroll: Great read-gritty, off beat

    The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

  11. TWILIGHT!  

  12. Um for you i would recommend ''Inside the mind of gideon rayburn'' , by Sarah Miller , just because its mostly about a main character (guy) , gideon and inside his mind and what he's thinking and the girl thats inside it too . Itss like reading the personal diary of a guy thats why i think you'd enjoy this book , theres at least 3 or 4 makeout scenes and three scences of s*x (one where he's about to but something happens , cant tell you lol) so i think you try this you can find it at chapters ... I'll give you the back info though just so you'd get an idea of what its about ... ''Here is the story of Gideon , an adorable clueless boy who flukes his way into one of the fanciest New England prep schools. Gid's more than a little out of his league at Midvale Academy, especially compared to his two charming campus gods who start betting big on when - and with whom - he'll lose his virginity too.

    Will it be the cute and feisty Molly McGarry ? , or with Pilar Benitez-Jones , the most beautiful girl Gid's ever seen ? It all becomes incrediably confusing and intoxicating for Gid and the girl inside of his mind. But who is she? And what happends when she falls for him?

    There you have dont get it wrong this book is for both guys and girls , if you like thongs being involved , a part where he meets one of his roomates making out with a girl in a closet , gid's ex coming to visit him at his prep school and boy is it unpleasant,making out outiside a bar , gid putting his hand up some girls skirt reaching for undies and leading back to her place, more lol i wont say , its up to you i liked it ;)

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