
Anyone Know an old computer game where you could be the animal and track down a hunter?

by  |  earlier

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It's a really, really old game; I'm talking whern DOS was still sparkling... it was a simple 2D layout, in a green grid with a few bushes and trees as landscape, and you could move only to the adjacent square - Up, down, left or right. Possibly diagonally, I was perhaps six when I played this game! You could be any one of a number of animals, a deer, a puma, a rabbit, that sort of thing. There was a human hunter and he moved towards you in single squares to, and I think the object was to get around the hunter to the right side of the screen.




  1. I dont know!

    But if your looking for a old dos game with aliens you can try


  2. this terrible go on turok

  3. i dont know

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