
Anyone Like Synchronized Swimming?

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Seems like everyone trashes it. I don't mind it at all. Choreography is cool to watch and to do some of the moves while holding their breath takes skill.




  1. It doesn't feel "olympic" more like a Vegas show.

  2. If it was a real sport, men would do it too.

    Men do synchronized diving, but if there was only one guy there doing the dive it would equivalent to normal diving. There's no equivalent to synchronized swimming with only one competitor.

    The point being, that prancing about in the water on your own isn't a sport, why should two people prancing about be one?

    Synchronized plate spinning anyone? How about synchronized hopscotch?

    It's the only "sport" I can think of where not getting your eye make-up just right could lose you a medal.

    There are other sports that require multiple competitors, hockey, water polo, soccer, but the thing about these sports is that in them you have to compete against another team who are on the field at the same time, and the result of the game is dependent on scoring and not on whether some judge thinks that you pointed your leg in a very pretty way at the same time as your friend did. Also they don't require that every team member imitate the actions of his team mate. If they did they would unsurprisingly look ridiculous.


    To answer your question to me - there ain't not synchronized gymnastic event that I can think of, not even in the rhythmic gymnastics which itself is barely a sport, it's more like an exercise routine.

  3. I don't like it, in that I'm not entertained in the slightest by it. But being a  swimmer I totally respect them. It's defiantly a sport. Anything that keep you active in the water for a continuous 4 minutes is defiantly something you need to physically train for. It also requires the body control of gymnastics.

    Like I said, I don't like it because it's goofy. But they all have my respect. They are obviously active at a high level for a long period of time. Also, I don't consider holding your breath a 'skill' anyone can do that if they have the will-power.... Now "will-power": THAT'S a skill.  

  4. as much as I like ice dancing, so that is a no. not saying what they do isn't difficult but i find it boring.  

  5. Yes, I enjoy watching synchro.  I live near Indianapolis, and sometimes swim at the Natatorium (not often because it's a 45 mi. drive).  When the synchro team is training, I can't help but stare off and on.

    It takes strong limbs and lungs to do synchro.  Not to mention a lot of time training, and flexibility and grace.

    Just because it's a lot different than swimming and track and field (which I also enjoy watching during the Olympics) doesn't detract at all from me enjoying it.

    PS Thanks for answering my question earlier, sad to hear I missed team finals.  I'll try and watch it on my choppy internet connection.

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