
Anyone Not find breast-feeding to be difficult or painful?

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I keep hearing how hard it is to breast-feed. I was just wondering if anyone out there didn't have such a hard time with it.




  1. I had some soreness and cracking at first, but never anything bad enough to make me even remotely consider switching.

  2. No problems here!  AND my son was premature, he still latched like a champ!  Sure there were times it hurt a bit (in the beginning you may get a small blister--lanolin cream works wonders) but it was never enough for me to entertain the thought of quitting.  My son will be 7 months old tomorrow and we're still going strong!

  3. I breast fed 2 kids. With the first it was a little difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it its a piece of cake. I always got the sore cracked nipples for the first week, but nipple cream really helped.  

  4. You need to make the total commitment to breastfeed for the first two weeks and know that it will hurt somewhat. My daughter couldnt latch on properly and we had to use a nipple sheild so that she could get milk. But after a couple weeks of using that and her practicing breastfeeding, I was able to get her to latch on just fine... now she is 10 months old and we're still breastfeeding. If you can get through the first two weeks then you'll be fine. It is so rewarding and such a wonderful bonding experience!

  5. I breast fed 5 babies and never had a hard time with it.  

  6. All my friend tell me is easy and don't hurt but I feed my baby 1 month but it was very painful for me and My nipples become so swollen and red and very sore so <I stop give him a breast and I prefer use the breast pump to give him the breast milk ,

  7. getting up at nights might be exhausting,but otherwise its not  a hard task to do for the one u love somuch,that bundle of joy god gives to all mothers

  8. its not hard at all!!

  9. to begin with it was very hard and frustrating, but you both need to learn what to do. the baby isn't born knowing what to do and you don't automatically know what to do, i found once we had both learnt what we needed to do it became easy and didn't hurt. and the most important thing we needed to work out was the best position for us both. now he has a couple of teeth it hurts a bit but not much and hedoesn'tt know what hes doing with them yet either lol

    hope i helped x*x

  10. My daughter latched right on as soon as she was born...and I mean as soon as she was born I insisted on trying to get her to latch before they even cleaned her off. We have had no problems at all!  She even transitions  from the bottle (while mommy is at work) right back to the breast with no problems.   Now we're having a little issue with my supply but as far as the mechanics of breast feeding it has been a breeze.  I actually think it is easier than having to measure and make formula bottles.

  11. Everyone kept telling me it was going to hurt so much and be so hard to do. Both my children latched on right away and I never had any pain. It hurt when the milk came in, but not the actual breastfeeding. And my nipples never got dried or cracked either. I absolutely loved breastfeeding.

  12. With my first it was both.  I could not produce enough and began bleeding which continued until I finally called it quits after 3 wks.  With my second I had no problems.  They are just different and I had to make the necessary adjustments so they would be happy and healthy.  I feel no less of a bond with my daughter than I do with my son.

  13. ME!  It wasn't hard for me at all, just took a little maneuvering at first for a good position!  :)  As for pain, just a mild sting for a few seconds, and it stopped in a couple weeks.

    Every woman is different!  To toughen your nipples, walk around topless; the air helps with that.  Read up on proper latches, since that's the most common cause of actual PAIN, not just stinging.  Being prepared and educated about breastfeeding is very important, since so much terrible lactation advice is handed out by health professionals!

  14. I'm breastfeeding a 28 month old and an 8 month old.  You think I would continue on if it was just a hard thing to do?

    Breastfeeding is easy most of the time.  There are times when it is hard (particularly to start, particularly if you birth in a hospital).  Just like there are times getting babies to sleep is hard, and there are times you just don't want to change another diaper -but you do because you have to.

    Breastfeeding is just like all other things in parenting.  Most days its ok, some days its wondrous, some days you wonder why you ever had kids at all and if the nearest orphanage is open ;-)

  15. you only hear the negatives because that's what people have questions about.  i was a little sore for the first couple weeks with both babies, but i slathered on the Lansinoh and i got some advice about my latch and a little encouragement and it went fine after that.  

    2 weeks of not-so-great were well worth it to have two healthy breastfed kids.

  16. I breastfeed my second she is 2months and I still do, i never did with my first because he never wanted to latch on, You will have a closer bonding experience  with your baby, for me it was very painful. But now i enjoy that bonding. It was difficult because I hate doing it in public and getting my clothes wet, and worriying about that.

  17. with my first yes it was very painful,with my 3rd it was a success,it went so well afterthe first 3mths it went smoothly all the way up to 26 mths! then the hard part was geting her off the boob,after having to where a bra to bed do to her stilling the booby in my sleep,one booby was  always bigger, do to one drying up and the other full of milk my doc, told me she was stilling milk so wear a bra,any who know she's 8 as smart as can be all "A" honor roll, an im proud for breast feeding it does help the child!

  18. With my first baby, the first 6 weeks (really three months) were h**l.

    After that, it was a piece of cake.  Really, those first weeks were an extremely worthwhile investment.  My babies were portable, happy and easy to take care of.  I got plenty of sleep, so I was a better mom.

    Who has the time to wash bottles and buy formula?  And at night, you have to get out of bed to get a bottle!  I need my sleep; I can't be bothered with formula.

  19. I was a first time mother 2 years ago, and I breastfed my son without pain.  There was definitely a learning curve for both of us but that only lasted a couple of weeks, then we got a good pattern going and I really didn't have any problems.

    I worked full time and pumped very very frequently.  Again, I didn't have any problems with this.  It took a couple of weeks to get things under control, but then we both did great.

    I truly believe that successful breastfeeding comes down to just a few simple things.

    1. Support: If everybody around you is encouraging you and willing to help get other things done so you can focus on nursing, you'll have a much better chance.  If everybody around you is not as interested, not willing to help out, and just plain rude about your goals, then you're more likely to give up out of despair.

    2. Education: Breastfeeding is new for you and your baby.  Learn as much as you can before the baby comes, then trust your instincts.  God created our bodies to breastfeed, so have faith.

    3. Good attitude: There will be times when you're unsure of what to do, there will be times when you're exhausted, and there will be times when you just wish daddy had a boob... (haha) but if you can keep a positive attitude and recognize that your hard work and sacrifice is worth it, then you'll do great!

  20. no more difficult than getting out of bed at 3am to make a d**n bottle!

    its painful at first , but you get used to it.. i breastfed my first for 14 1/2 months and my son is now 13 months, still going strong (ugh! but IM ready to wean!)

    its more about what youre willing to go thru.. if you really truely want to do it, youll grin and bear it wile you both get used to latching on. in the end the health benefits are way way endlessly better, itll make you lose weight faster after the birth, and it COSTS 100% less than formula.. its a win win win situation

  21. It is not difficult, it is only painful for the 1st week if that.

    I actually breast feed for the 1st month & then pump & feed bottles, that makes it a lot easier for when you go out. I'm actually already pumping after each nursing & the baby is only 1 week old. That way when we do go out I have a bottle I can give her plus I have tons of milk in the freezer already!

    plus it seems to make the baby so much more happy! so that right there is easier! also its alot easier to roll over & grab the baby to feed at night, no need to get up & make a bottle!

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