
Anyone TTC about to start treatment need a friend or someone to talk to?

by Guest58167  |  earlier

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I'm 26, have PCOS and we have been trying for over a year and are in the process of looking into treatment to conceive. Just looking for people in the same situation that can relate and for support.




  1. hi there....

    my hubby and me have been ttc for coming close to second hubby already has kids before so we decided to go and do some check up. so we start our ttc treatment step by step. i did some scanning and took clomid this cycle.hubby also undergo sperm analysis test. next cycle i have to do hsg and might probably be doing iui too later...

    so ttc treatment might be quite a long journey too but i'll do what it takes to hold the little one in my arms..

    if u need to talk can send me a message ok..

    take care, good luck and lots of baby dust!!

  2. Hi there,

    A little over a year after TTC on my own I finally went to an RE.  I've had the basic fertility tests that they do.  I did one cycle of Clomid + injectables and a second cycle of Clomid + injectables + IUI.  I'm currently on a break from meds (due to a cyst) but I will do another medicated cycle next round.  

    If you have any questions about tests, procedures, or meds I'd be happy to try and answer them.  Feel free to send me a message anytime.

    Good luck, I hope you get your BFP soon!

  3. Hiya,

    I, too, am 26 and going to start getting fertility treatments within the coming weeks.  I have irregular periods and don't think I ovulate (I may have PCOS too, who knows?)  Feel free to email or chat.  My email is

    I know that we'll have to undergo lots of tests, and playing the "waiting game" but I know that anything worth having is worth waiting for!!!  Good luck to you!!

  4. Girl yes,

    I think a lot of us are in this fight together!!!! I have taken 3 rounds of clomid and nothing, did't even ovulate.. On 8/25, I'm going to see a specialist hopefully to get hings moving.. But please keep in contact and let me know what happen and whast steps you took. I can tell you this, I don't want to be on clomid any more.. Take care Mommies to be

  5. I am also 26 and TTC #1.  Hubby and I tried for 3 years (only 1 year of really actively trying during that time).  Last year, we began the 'infertility journey'!  We both went through all the testing...and yes there's a lot...and now we have started IUIs.  We had a failed one last month, and did our second try last week.  The journey to having a baby can be long and hard!  Sometimes I get to frustrated and sometimes I get really sad.  It's always hard when people around me get pregnant (especially when they didn't mean to or only had to try 1 month!).  Good luck with everything!  It's a long, hard road, but it's all worth it when you get your little miracle!

  6. Were in the same boat! I recently found out I have PCOS, weve been ttc for over a year. so they put me on metformin to regulate my periods and to reduce my insulin level! I keep praying it works! And good luck to you too! I go back in 6 weeks for a checkup! maybe they will put me on clomid if nothing has happened yet! The way I look at it and keep my head up is "everything happens for a reason" and when it finally happens it will be the best thing ever! Even more special because you've been wanting it so long! good luck and lots of baby dust!  

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