
Anyone TTC this week?

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My fertile days are this coming weekend. I've been having a hard time getting pregnant this time around and I'm just looking for a little support group to help me out the next few weeks. I'd love to help out in any way that I can, too! Thanks! And good luck to everyone TTC!




  1. good luck to you...

  2. We were actively trying to get pregnant like 5 months ago- for two months and gave up, then we had a "scare" well we wound up saying that if it happened it happened- we weren't evepecting anything- I started think I was pregnant and had symptoms and was even late- I swore I was- but I was not. Since then we decided to actively try again.

    YaY for me!!! BUT I am having a hard time trying to figure out the right time I am suppose to ovulate- I usually don't have symptoms when/ if I do. So my husband (poor) guy is trying to come as much as he can- it wears him out though. So I have anywhere between a 28-29 day cycle and once in a blue moon have had a few 31-32 day cycles.

    So that would mean that I could ocualte-potentially anywhere from Aug 2- Aug 9th.  We BD Aug 1 (4 times- he got back froma trip),the 2 of Aug ,and early morning the 3 of Aug. We Skipped the 4th.

    It's now the 5th and I want to BD again tonight- I know my husband is going to be like (GREAT!!! BUT ....wheeeew!!!) So it's difficult not knowing exactley when you may or may not ovulate and hoping for the best result- trying not to stress and hoping you concieve. It's hard work when you acctually want to get pregnant. Good luck with everything.

  3. yes i have been ttc for around 7 months for #4 I'm due my period on the 11th so fingers crossed i don't see anything I'm getting cramps now and feeling sick was actually sick today but that could be anything not going to put my hopes up to much..anyway good luck to us both

  4. My fertile days are also during this weekend and I was hoping to find someone else to discuss with. I'm here to get and lend support. Feel free to email me

  5. yes i am trying as well!! this weekend is the magic ticket for me also!  lol i sound crazy...but baby dust to all the moms to be!!!

  6. Yes! We've got BD on the calendar tonight, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I've been temping, checking CM, and cervix position and using OPKs. If I ovulate the same time as last month, I should get a positive OPK this Friday the 8th. But since my CM is clear and my cervix is high, we're doing it tonight too just to cover all bases! Lol!

    How long have you been TTC? Definitely keep me updated. You can email me off my profile.

    Dust to ya!

  7. I'm here with ya!  I've been TTC for 8 months now with a m/c in April (6 weeks along).  Since I'm not sure of my luteal phase day and my cycle keeps changing from 28 to 29 and even 30 in the past few months, hubby and I are baby dancing all this week and beginning of next.  We did it this past Friday, last night and plan on every other night until next week!  I found that its easier to do the ole "raise the hips for the full 20 minutes or more" when we dance at night as opposed to any other time of day.  My friend shared that trick with me and it worked for her!  Good luck and feel free to email me off my profile too!  Glad to know that we're not along this month!
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