
Anyone Want to Go Green?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for people that want to be educated about going green in their homes by making their homes a safer, and healthier place to live in.

Mainly by eliminating all the toxins in the home, and using all-natural alternatives.

Can anyone tell me how I might find people who would like to live a healthier lifestyle? Groups/organizations? Etc.




  1. there are all kinds of organization that might want your help

    you can also start one up yourself

    if its non profit then yoiu can get a tax free tax id number and get donations

    if you are wanting to make a small business yoiu still need to get a tax id number.

    you can google you local business laws for yoiur state and county.

  2. and find yourself a local group.  No need to be a cowboy on this, you can just assist people that are really working towards a green future.

  3. If you really want to go Green, you need to start at the source. The manufacturers, they need to be forced to do away with all no return containers. But most people are not willing to pay a dollar more for a gallon of milk in a returnable glass jug. Or an extra 25 cents for a bottle of coke.

  4. Im looking for help in going green. I have a question up already about cleanin g products actually. Please go answer.

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