
Anyone a BIOLOGY major?

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if so, what are you pursuing with this degree and what kind of options are out there with this degree/major??





  1. When I was an undergraduate majoring biology, the advisor already told me that jobs in biology are few, and that a degree in biololgy is mainly for people who want to go to med school or graduate school. I ended up with a PhD degree in plant pathology.

    Aim high.

  2. With a BS in Biology, I became a computer game programmer.

  3. Science is a high demand field, it just depends what type of lifestyle you want.

    Don't go into science if you just want a Bachelors in Biology.  

    Many go on to be doctors(M.D.'s - 4 years Med School + 2+ years residency)  but it will dictate your life and you will be most liekly working 60+hrs a week (there are exceptions) -$100K+

    Many go right into there PhD's(4-6years), these people are those that want to teach or head labs.  There life consists of writing papers and designing projects). $60K-140K

    Then those that are lazy, like me , and want an easy life and make a lot of money go on to get their master's (2-3yrs), these guys just help out around Ph.D's labs- 60K-$110K

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