
Anyone a Ebay addict?....?

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besides there anyone who is an ebay addict?




  1. I used to be.

    But then I got ripped off a few times, so I stopped.

  2. I am constantly looking at guitars and parts on there but I rarely buy things unless I need them for one of my pre-existing guitars or projects.  But when I do get on there I search for anything and everything trying to find stuff.


  4. Im not but my cousin was. She ran herself into lots of debt though.

  5.   No, I like to touch before I buy.

  6. I am I love going on there for stuff like Cd's , movies stuff that is hard to find you get good deals :)

  7. h**l yes.....not a paypal lover though

  8. YES ME!!

    help i need help im so addicted this is so bad!

    Ive spent more than 2000 dollars in less than 3 and a half weeks. Ive bought things like clothes  jeans shirts, and many many stupid things like talking simpsons pens, clocks, farting keychains, masks, I cant stop buying, even now im bidding on stuff.  

  9. i no 2 ebay addicts

  10. yah kind of  

  11. I have my moments but I also take long breaks.

  12. No, I wish I was but I don't even know how to use eBay. I would really love to make money selling things so I would probably become an addict doing that. I was going to e-mail but you don't have e-mail but I would like to know if it is easy to use.

  13. No I do not believe in Ebay

  14. my dad get me things from ebay buti got so much thing hes broke lol, yes

  15. i used to be, but i stopped, because i was spending to much money there!  

  16. Yes! but only selling! easy money!

  17. Yep, I'm constantly looking for things to buy :)

  18. I'm not addicted, but I do love it =D

  19. yep really cheap stuff is there to look at, but its mostly called cheapscape, no offence or anything

  20. Certainly not. Too many scammers. My mate has been caught four times!

  21. Used to be! I would buy video games, and collectable things JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT. Now the way of Ebay has haunted me, for now I need to stick a lot of my things (that I bought too much of) onto Ebay!

  22. an addicct no but i do enjoy my time on it  

  23. Hi there,

    Yup, indeed.. I think eBay can get very addictive for people who bargain hunt, lol.

    Linzi. xx

  24. Lol I am as well.

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