
Anyone alive that can give me info regarding any of these civil rights advocates' assasinations?

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- Martin Luther King Jr.

- Robert Kennedy

- Malcolm X

- Che Guevara

-Harvey Milk


also if you have aim or have time to email back and forth very quickly, it would very helpful.




  1. I am not familiar with all those you listed, or the nature of their deaths & subsequent investiations, but I was around, and closely watching the news, and other information sources, when these happened, and the aftermath.

    _ Martin Luther King Jr.

    - Robert Kennedy


    MLK's assassination led to trial of accused.  History is quite clear on the outcome.

    It is politically correct today to label all political assassinations as being done by nut jobs.  Now I do not believe 99% of the popular conspiracy theories, but I do believe the assassination of Abe Lincoln was not done by a crazy man.  I believe it was dying gasp of the Confederate Secret Service.

    While the Kennedies today are painted as being great Civil Rights leaders, I believe that at the time they were much more restrained than say Eisenhower, who sent in federal troops to guarantee safe education for black youths in places like Jena still is today.

    I was aware of

    - Malcolm X

    I would not call him a Civil Rights Advocate

    He was an advocate of Black Power revolution

    There were people who had faith that the Civil Rights Movement had a chance of success, should be helped.

    There were people with no such faith, who proposed an alternative solution to the injustices in America.

    I was aware of

    - Che Guevara

    I would not call him a civil rights advocate

    He was a communist, socialist

    which is not neccessarily bad, depending on context

  2. Just use

    It will have all of the inf you need.

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