
Anyone an aspiring golfer?

by  |  earlier

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you guys theres a site for golfers thats pretty lets members write articles and has forums for equipment reviews and swing help, anyways i think its cool so i though i would share it, so if you are bored, ill see you in the forums!

*ps: theres no need to report this im not advertising or spamming and im always active in the golf section on Y! answers




  1. I've taken several weeks off from the Y!A golf forum because the questions and answers have gotten so repetitive. What driver should I buy? Well, buy this driver and your worries will be over. How can I fix my slice? Well, do this and that and you'll hit it straight every time. Blah, bah, blah.

    You've actually made a contribution to this sight. Thanks! I think will be a very informative website.

  2. Hey, thanks man! This is a cool site. I am gonna be on the PGA TOUR. So its right up my alley!

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