
Anyone any good with nunchuks? any tips?

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Anyone any good with nunchuks? any tips?




  1. Bluto got it right.

    Besides since 1967, I have only seen three people that use the nunchaku correctly.  Most people make me laugh when I see them even just holding them. It seems no one knows where the grip should be. After that what they do with them is even worse. The videos I've seen are a joke too. I guess someone has a decent one out there but I've not seen it.

  2. i've had a go with em hurts don't it?defo the best way is to have instruction,learn a form and practise and as far as them not being an effective weapon or being illegal well to be honest i only started learning chucks cos it looked cool not to carry them round the streets to hit people

  3. try to get online videos thats how i learned to use min or take tae kwon doe classes

  4. ya. Learn them from a live sensei. Omine Karate Dojo teaches that stuff

  5. yes.swing them over your bicep,you wont hit yourself in the head.

  6. Utube its the free website that I would recommend to you for weapon tricks

  7. yes, pick a real weapon.

    1- nunchucks are an inferior weapon because they trade the definsive capabilities of a solid weapon for the offensive capability of a chain weapon without bieng able to deliver a deadly strike like a flail.  so you trade a defensive capavility for little offensive capability, the chain on the nunchaku is also not long enough to really get around a person with a weapon's guard.

    2- the weapon is ILLEGAL and given its lack of offensive use against other weapons, the main effectiveness would be in using it against unarmed opponents, a prospect that in today's world will put you in the slammer pretty d**n quick.

    3- it is not as concealable as a knife or jutte- and did I mention that in many states they are illegal?  how about that the weapon, is just as dangerous to the user as it is to the opponent?

    odds are if you were walking around with a flail in a suitcase, it is such an odd weapon to carry that providing you weren't acting rowdy or look like a hoodlum you probably could get a cop to buy that it is an "antique" or art peice for your wall.  and if you had to use it it would be FAR more effective than a nunchaku.

  8. hold the end in your hand toward the top. then you will have more control over the nunchucks.

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