
Anyone aware of Tiger Woods quote about loving someone so much who you didn't even know the day before.?

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He made the statement shortly after his daughter Sam was born. It was something about how amazing it is that you can love this person so much (unconditionally?) who didn't even exist the day before. I love the quote and want to share it with my daughter who just found out she is having a girl and was so overwhelmed with the love she now feels. I've been searching on-line but can't seem to find it. I wish I could remember the exact words. Thanks in advance.




  1. I just typed in the words 'Tiger Woods quotes fatherhood' and an article titled 'A Dream Come True' came up.  In this People Magazine article, the quote, (which is beautiful), is mentioned.

  2. Well, technically, the newborn existed eight to nine months before, right?  It takes time to develop that love.

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