
Anyone aware that we are about to go to war with Russia?

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Russia has stated that they will take military action against Poland if our missles are place there.

it should be noted that Russia is allied with might not be a good idea to p**s off the country that is financing our debt




  1. Every bit of tecnology the Russians have was stolen from The U.S, or other Countries. Did You notice Their SST aircraft looked an a lot like France's original. And how it broke up in flight during testing? They are at least 10 years behind us. They are really stupid, but not stupid enough to start a war with Us. We have an International Space Station with Them. We fought together during WW 2.  Will They ever really be Our Friends? I think not. They have always sided with the communists or any other Country They could get some easy money from. They are crimanals who wish they could be as rich as the U.S. Thanks to Bush the U.S. is weak right now, but that will change soon.

  2. That is why nothing will happen.

    Politicians will rant and rave, but in the end they won't do it. Even yours. Your survival depends on China these days (they own a huge chunk of your economy as it is).

    I think it would be better if the European Union grew a pair and threw off both superstates.  

  3. The worst that could happen is another Cold War. This time Russia will just grow stronger, while we get mired deeper in debt spending on overexpensive military weapons and armed forces spread too thin globally.

  4. Russia can not afford to take on the might of the US and th EU Poland is part of the European Union if Russia attacked Poland they would find themselves on the receiving end of a couple of missiles If you go to war with Europe you go to war with its allies ALL of them which include USA,Canada, Australia, Japan all have well trained armies and good equipment, the Russian President went to have discussions with the Chinese government and the Chinese said "we cannot support Russian aggression when it breeches the integrity of a sovereign nation" the chinese know what kind of fight Russia is getting itself into and are staying well clear.

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