
Anyone been bit by a spider at night while you're asleep?

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I got bit twice. Once on my right arm, once on my right thigh. They hurt like he*, and I put boil cream on them in case they were boils. (I've had boils a while back so I know that they kind of look like spider bites at first.) They actually turned out to be spider bites, they didn't puff up or anything, just stayed red, hard, and sore. Today, I found this huge azz spider in the kitchen and killed it, it was just a regular type spider with a bulbous brown body and legs that looked like hairs. It was not a brown recluse or a brown widow. I suspect it was it that bit me. Why do I always get bit at night when I'm asleep? Does anyone else experience this? Why do we get bit at night? What can I do to prevent this? It freaks me out thinking there's spiders on me. Thanks for your advice!




  1. This has happened to me.  Usually happens when you roll over on them at night which makes them mad and they fight back.  If you were awake you'd probably kill them, but asleep you're not aware you and the spider are sharing the same bed :-)  I put oil of oregano on the bites.  Everyone has their favorite treatment.

  2. Ugh, don't you just hate those spiders? They give me the heeby-jeebies.

    Anywho, why we get them at night you ask? Well, I think that's because we don't move as much, so it's easier for spiders to crawl on us. Also, they love to lounge around in the blankets on your bed... and they like to come out at night.

    I got a spider bite this summer on my elbow about the size of two golf balls. You could see my blood pump through it. It'd go from white to red whenever my pulse went...eek! Soooo, I went to my doctor, and he gave me some medicine, BUT, what he recommended me to immediately do when I got home was:

    1.) Get a broom and swipe away all webs, especially in walls and in corners.

    2.)Clean out under you're bed till it's spotless

    3.)Vacuum everything really good

    4.) Move your sofa and clean all that good too

    5.)Get bug spray

    All set, kiddo! Good luck =)

  3. I've been bit by a spider in my sleep too :( I just cleaned everything then set off a bunch of Bengal Bug Foggers. Haven't been bit since.

  4. I saw an episode of Dr. G medical examiner recently, this guy thought he got bit by a spider on his back but it actually was MRSA.   They had some other doctor on there who said a lot of people mistake MRSA (metacillin resistant staph aureous) for spider bites.   This guy got some antibiotics for what he thought was a bite.   Then he got sicker and sicker and eventually died while on a business trip.   He just had a really bad back ache and stayed in bed until he was almost dead and called 911.     Anyway he died and it was MRSA not a spider bite.   Something to consider.

  5. When a spider bites it is only two reasons defense or hunger! If i is on you and feels threatened by squeezing it will bite. If it is on a large piece of meat and hungry chows on!  

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