
Anyone been in <span title="movies/commercials/television/broadway?">movies/commercials/televi...</span>

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If so what have you been in?




  1. I was in two T.V. series.  TURKS, and E.R..

  2. i was on the Disneys Channel &quot;Your Place&quot; where they did a documentary on my area of where i lived in Australia.. They followed me around for a few days and took me to attractions of the Sunnie Coast (Where i lived).. the whole audition process was through my school, and i was only 11 so i just answered questions, smiled and laughed and they chose me out of a thousand to do it!!!


  3. Why certainly. When I was a kid I was on the Captain Cangaroo Show.Even better, I was chosen to come up to the front!

  4. my friend was on the today show!

    well, in the audience.


  5. Not just me but my whole class back in 4th grade got to be in a commercial about saving power. All I did was wave at the camera with everyone else in the last few seconds. Nothing special.

  6. Actually, I have been in the background in a lot of movies, because I have lived so many places and always watched for the adverts in the sunday paper about some producer needing extras.

    When I lived in Santa Fe, NM.. which has a lot of movie making going on... mostly westerns and period movies... I was in at LEAST 10 movies and 2 TV series; When I was living in Florida I was in several TV series episodes and several &#039;Infomercials&#039;.  The most FUN I had was as an extra in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie because they were hiring local boaters to be in extras... I was both a pirate AND a Soldier in that one.

    It&#039;s a lot of fun and a real diversion... it doesn&#039;t pay well, though, if at all.  Usually all you get is a free boxed lunch or a hot dog and a coke and a sunburn, but it&#039;s a lot of fun.

  7. ill been in the audience of the show deal or no deal which was fun, and i was in the front row on america&#039;s funniest home video. lol

  8. I&#039;ve been on America&#039;s Funniest Home Videos. Hehe. I crashed into a door when I was a kid.

    Guess that isn&#039;t really what you mean though. :p

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