
Anyone been in this situation - strong attraction to someone, but with someone else?

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I work with someone who I find so beautiful! He is the most gorgeous thing, funny, charming etc. We have kissed (he kissed me and I reciprocated on a drunken works night out. It and he was amazing) but I live with someone who I love and which he knows about. He made it clear he likes me too, but he's obviously being really sensible and leaving me alone at work as he knows it can't go anywhere. My problem is that I'm so distracted now. I keep thinking about him and analysing everything he says or does at work. When I'm on my own at home (my partner goes away a lot) I can't think about anything else. It's really getting me down - especially at work when he acts as if nothing happened and is increasingly less and less flirty with me as he used to be. This is so hard. What should I do?




  1. before u do anythin with the new guy make sure u leave ur old guy dont try to cheat and go behind peoples backs

  2. so ditch your bf and go out with mr beautiful. mislaid loyalty never gets anyone anywhere. im over loyal =(

  3. Mel C, i think the answer is quite simple, you love ur boyfriend, and maybe its safe to assume he loves you too, but this attraction you have with this guy at work is (to the risk of sounding corny) FATAL. U will end of ruining your relationship, and wo is to say Mr. BEAUTIFUL as Red called him is the right man for you, I think Mr, beautiful is doing the honorable thing by leaving you alone, you should also do the sensible thing and stay away too!!

    Just think how would your boyfriend feel id you pursue this relationship with Mr. Beautiful, do to others what you would have done to you, I dont think you are going to get any justification here if you cheat on ur boyfriend.

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