
Anyone been on pill for a long time? How long did it take you to get pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I came off the pill at the end of June and we started trying in July. I've since had 2 periods (just started my second one yesterday). My first cycle was 25 days and this last one was 24, so more or less regular. We tried on all the right days and other days too but unfortunately nothing yet. I feel so disappointed and I know I should just relax but it is hard when you want a baby so much. Could you tell me how long you were on the pill and how long it took for you to conceive? I was on the pill for 10 years, but periods started more or less straight away when I came off them and the cycles seem fairly regular too. Thanks




  1. I was on the pill for 10 years and it took me a miscarriage and 14 months to finally get pregnant. I have now got a 10 week old baby boy so keep trying it can take quite a while.

  2. I was on the pill for 12 years I've now been trying for 10 months with no joy.  However some people fall pregnant  immediately.  Relax and just keep trying but have fun doing it.  Don't turn it into a chore.

  3. I was on the pill for 10 years.  I quite taking them in January and I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant in July.  Good luck to you!!!

  4. I was on the pill for 6 years and started trying the day I got off I got pregnant within the month!  Just keep trying it will happen for you!!  Good luck!

  5. I have been on the pill since I was 16.. am now 21.. and have actually gotten pregnant twice on the pill (both ended in mc).. and actually am starting to think I am preggers again.. and took the pill last month.. About coming off the pill.. I think it's different for everyone.. I know people that get preggers the same week they come off it, within a month and so on.. so it's really up to your body (Like always).. but good luck and tons of baby dust.. xo

  6. I was on the the bill for 10years before came to off to start TTC. Since then my periods have been all over the place so found it really hard to predict when I'm ovulating .. so far they have settled at 25days apart! You are supposed to leave it a couple of cycles to let your body adjust so you don't make the following mistake .... my Mum was on the pill for a few years & fell pregnant straight away when she came off it & didn't realise ... just assumed she had no periods due to coming off the pill ... she was 12weeks before she realised & in that time had done something which caused my brother to be born with a hearing condition.

    Everyone is different!  Just be sensible about it .. stressing can only make it worse!

  7. hi i was on the pill for 6 years,stopped it in oct 07 then didnt get a period for 4months then now my periods r all over the place but been ttc for nearly a year n still no luck n i no how u feel it hurts so much but u need 2 relax i no its easyer said then done im going througth it myself,i seen my docter n he sent me 2 a guy 2 have a look at my f-tubes n he thinks there blocked so im having a lap n dye (op) in 2wks time 2 c if they r or not, i dnt mean 2 scare u,but hang in there every1s diff so its hard 2 answer, if u still have no look in a year of ttc go n c ur docter xx best of look 2 u n me xx

  8. I was on the pill for 13 years and was pregnant within 10 weeks of stopping. Relax and it'll happen I'm sure.

  9. Have you tried OPK [Ovulation predictor kits]? These are a great way of pinpointing when your body releases an egg each month, as this can vary from month to month, even in a regular cycle. The little test strips are similar to a pregnancy test and can be bought in bulk quite cheaply from ebay. The tests will let you know when your body is producing the hormone ready to release an egg allowing you to tell the best two-three days of the month to babydance for that BFP!

    I'm on my first month off of the pill after being on it for 2 years now. I'm currently a day late and keeping as hopeful as I can be...the suspense is so frustrating! I've heard plenty of women having luck within a few months of stopping the pill whereas others take a little longer. I truly believe it is down to the individuals and that all important timing of s*x.

    Good luck and tonnes of babydust to us both! :]  

  10. I came off the pill in Dec 07 to ttc. As of yet i am not pregnant but i am late so finger crossed. So we have been trying 8 months (6 cycles)

  11. Hi there

    I was on the pill for about 5 yrs, i stopped taking it on the 1st April and have had 4 periods so far. The 4th one started today (day 37), i was 4 days late as my last 3 cycles were 33 days. I had got a little excited being late, also we had done the deed on all the right days but unfortunately not this time. It really is dissapointing, but you will get there like im sure we will.

    I cant give you an answer on how long, but thought you might like to know your not alone.

    Good Luck

  12. i was on pill for 4 yrs, then coming off pill, i didn't have a period at all...had to use clomid after 6 months of trying

  13. i've been ttc for 5 months now.. so far no luck, and i was on and off bc for 10 years.. so have a good time trying but still hoping every month is the one, baby dust to all of us!!!

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