
Anyone been pregnant even with a negative test? ?

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I am just wondering how often it actually happens. Has anyone taken a pregnancy test when their period was due or after resulting in a negative test but then actually being pregnant?




  1. My first hpt was inconclusive......only the one line and a half line in the test window.  I should have been overdue for my period, but my system was off due to a miscarriage 3 months before.  I waited a few days and did it again and it was positive.

  2. yes, I took three tests with my first pregnancy and they all came up neg but I was pregnant!

  3. yes, and the emergency room nurse gave it to me... i had to get xrays, but it was too early to tell.


    i took MANY i mean MANY urine test in a four month period and all NEGITIVE... i had FOUR blood test also done in the four months just cause i knew somethin was wrong wit my body but, no one would listen FINALLY i got a positvie urine and i went to doc and right away they did ultrasound to find out how far i was and when i was due. and i was goin on 5 Months PREGO o man was i shitttttttttty!

    goo dluck

  5. Yes...I had a pregnancy that I took several tests. Before one finally came up positive I was 11 weeks. In my case I had a health problem that messed my system up.

  6. It didn't happen to me but it did to my sister. An EPT told her no but she went to the doc and she sure was.

  7. When I was pregant with my son i didint find out until I was 5 mos b/c every pregnancy test i took (monthly for all 5 mos) came up negative

  8. It happened to my friends. Not one but TWO! one of my friends took 7 preg. tests and all negative..we kept telling her she kinda looked pregnant ( she was getting bigger LOL) but finally she went to the doc and she told her she was pregnant. and the other took i think it was 3 and finally one came back she was pregnant.!  

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