
Anyone been to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico recently? How dangerous is it for people going there on business?

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  1. Listen I´m from Chihuahua and travel often to Juarez, I can tell you that the place is not as dangerous as you think, people is very friendly and the city has even some nice spots,

    There is a lot of factories and a lot of americans coming and going all the time, the city is more about the factories than any other thing, there is 400 of those and some of them employes more than a 1000 people, so is a working industrial town,

    Just make sure that he stays around hotel, try the ones with names that you are used to like Holiday inn, Hampton inn, radisson, hilton garden etc, he will be fine, I can tell you one thing. Big cities like LA can be more dangerous in some areas than Juarez is.

  2. Okay. Cd. Juarez is the 1st less secure place in Mexico and I would broadly recomend to your husband to not go walking on the streets alone especifically. Use only hotel cabs but don't be so paranoid, and to not display money. That's as far as it goes. Personally, mexicans are very trustworthy, but watch out.

  3. Hi, i have been there twice this year and still alive, I can say it is kinda a safe place if you are there on business, because it is true executions due to drug dealing are common, but that happens in the "bad neighbourhoods" and that happen usually to the "bad guys".

    You must have a lot of bad luck to be involved with that if you just go on business, but Juarez is not the best place to go, you know Human Life there is cheap, so just be careful and dont go out at night, just in cases.

    @ aditional details: If he he is going on an enginering job, as I told you there's nothing to worry about, shooting and that stuff just happen from time to time in the main streets, but it's not usual, and just a fact to make you a lil bit less worry, I haven't hear about an incident that involved American citizens in Cd. Juarez in the last months.

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