
Anyone been to France? Is there any truth to what they say about the French?

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I've heard that they're very rude towards Americans, but it could be because they probably deal with a lot of obnoxious ones. Also, what makes France so unique from any of the other Western European countries (besides the language)? I'd like to hear what you have to say. Thanks!




  1. Hi everybody,

    I'm french and I can tell you that American people are welcome in France. It's always a pleasure to encounter foreign people in France. Don't think that we don't like American people, is it just because we have different points of view on several actuality subject ?

    It's true that GW Bush is not very popular in france, but I think he is not a lot in America too, no ????

  2. I find most French people to be pretty nice!  I think the stereotypes are a bit ridiculous and out of control.  Sure, I've met some people from France who weren't that great, but I know a lot of Americans who could fit that description as well-it's all about people as individuals, not nationalities.  I think Parisians in particular have a reputation for being rude, but honestly, I doubt they are any worse than your average New Yorker- anyone living in a big city will probably be a bit brusque, but that just goes with the territory.  If you have the opportunity, definitely visit France- beautiful cities and countryside, great food and wine...what's not to love?

  3. Perception, perception. I traveled with a group of French people from Marseilles to Remini (Italy). We had a great time. They were friendly toward us. They spoke English and took a bunch of pictures with us. When we left, they made a CD with all of our pictures and gave it to us. We still keep in touch. We're planing to take another trip next year to Spain with people we have met.

    French people respect others' privacy. They tend to keep a distance until they know you. You'll find rude and obnoxious people right here in the states. American tend to think everyone has to speak English, if they don't they are rude. Then again, American don't speak any other languages but English.

    When you come to someone's home, you follow their rules. That's simple. I find French people are nice and friendly. I have no problem with them whatsoever.

  4. I'll add that French do not smile to people they don't know. It shocks the socks off Americans. Even if the French person has been very polite and helpful the American comes out of the meeting with the feeling of having faced a rude person (I witnessed such a meeting).

    As well, we have our own rules of conduct, of politeness that are so ingrained that we are shocked when others do not follow them. And when pushed we tend to hit back. Hard. Leaving a distressed tourist wondering why the nasty French  attacked him and leaving a furious French wondering how could someone be so rude. Talk about misunderstanding.  

    As for Parisians being rude, no more than New Yorkers. But it is true that around 30 millions tourists visit Paris per year (70 in France) and in summer those crowds tends to make Parisians grumpy.


    Tonton, Tiramisu : la France est  le seul pays ou, quand on met deux personnes ensemble on ne fait pas  une addition mais une division (Attribue a De Gaulle)

  5. French are not rude in general but their english is normally not so good and therefore some missunderstandings can occure. Only the Parisians are considered rude even by fellow french guys and that might be a reason that specially tourist (often their first trip to famous Paris) feel offended!

  6. Ok with you Tonton !

    But fortunately, not all french are so rude. There are also many kind people !

  7. you're right, many people in France doesn't like Americans a lot. I think that's because we don't really know you, and the ones who come in France are not always the best...

    About French people? they really like to criticize the France, their presodent, their medias, their mind... But be careful, we can't support that others (not French) say the sames things!!!

    we are like that, french mind is unic in the world, there is always something wrong for us!

    PS si par hasard j'étais lu par d'autres français, j'espère que vous êtes d'accord avec moi, le français est d'abord un râleur!

    Don't notice it, just accept!

  8. I find the French people really nice. The presumption that they're too snobbish could be because most of them do not speak English. So, when you talk to them in English, they just smile and leave you behind.

  9. Nearly half the words in the Engish language are from French.  France was alternately our staunchest ally and most formidable enemy for centuries.  France has endured occupations since ancient times.  France has contributed, beyond its size, to culture and science.  Shall I go on?

    As far as French people being rude to Americans is concerned, I have always found that people will do whatever I expect them to do.

  10. French people aren't rude they're just more to the point. Just stop acting American around them and they will be quite nice to you.  

    France is more of a socialistic society like most other mainland European countries. Its the US that is different from most of them in many respects.

  11. it is wonderful,ive seen the eiffel tower

    and when the french music plays and ur eating in a rich

    cafe,u feel happy and u better enjoy paris,its awfully great!

    its easy to say because i am a traveler,thats true!

  12. I realy love America and Americans and I go in your country every year since 1981.

    So come to France and WELCOME !

  13. I did not find them to be especially rude, no more so than your average European. They are not really rude, just a cultural difference. I've worked overseas for almost 20 years and I've seen some really obnoxious Americans everywhere. Thanks to these types we don't exactly have a good reputation anywhere, these days.

  14. All of the French people I have met in the US have been super nice to me.

    I have heard from French Canadians that they are rude to them and do not like the way Canadians speak French however.

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