
Anyone been to Galapagos Islands? Hints / tips welcom?

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Despite previous answer you CAN go to Galapagos - I ahev laready booked - wanted hints / tips. Not wrong info!




  1. You can only go to the Galapagos with a special permit after verification of a specific and approved purpose, usually scientific research.  The Galapagos Islands are not a tourist destination. There are no resorts or vacation spots. It is THE one most protected lands on our Earth and should stay that way. I would love to see the Galapagos myself but I am all for conservation.

  2. We went with Ecoventura - - and had the most fantastic trip, they have a great itinery, knowledgable and passionate guides, and a fab crew...They have 20 berth ships, with a good ratio of crew to guests.  Boats are the best way to see the islands as you cover the distances at night...take your sea sickness tablets though!  Swimming/snorkelling with the sealions, manta rays and hammerheads were the highlight!  Have fun - its such an amazing place!

  3. The Galapagos Islands are a treasure of Ecuador, and visiting them makes for an unforgettable experience.  I hope you are a nature lover so you can appreciate all the endemic species and the unique landscape of each island.  Be sure not to touch any of the animals so that future tourists can continue to be allowed to observe them up close.

    Personally I would recommend going on a large cruise ship (I think the biggest holds only about 100 people) as these will allow you to see more of the islands than staying on land, but they will also better handle rough waters and give you more space than the smaller yachts.  But yes, then you might tour the islands in a slightly bigger group.

  4. galapagos is a paradaise, you will have to walk a lot, but is wonderful,

    The Galapagos Islands lie almost a thousand kilometers off the coast of Ecuador’s mainland. Biologically diverseg, they are one of the planet’s natural paradises and one of the most visited national parks in the world. The flora and fauna you’ll find here are truly unique. Here, you’ll see unending beaches of marble white sand such as those of Tortuga Bay, tunnels of lava, spectacular diving areas, and a marine reserve, not to mention the prehistoric animals and colorful birds you’ll get a chance to observe. There are thirteen main islands that make up the archipelago. The climate here is sub-tropical. The Galapagos Islands have two airports with flights to Quito and Guayaquil.

    Protected Areas

    The Galapagos Islands are home to many islands on which tourists can appreciate and explore the pristine state of the complex, constantly evolving ecosystem that has made the Galapagos so famous. On the island of Floreana, for example, you can visit Post Office Bay, The Black Beach, Flamingos Lagoon, Cormorant Point, or The Pirates’Caves. There are also areas to scuba dive, such as La Corona del Diablo. On Genovesa, the frigate birds, furry seals, marine iguanas, tropical birds, red-footed boobies, and masked boobies all stand out. On Fernandina, there are sea lions, iguanas, pelicans, penguins, and cormorants. On Española, you can appreciate the dance of the Blue-footed Booby or the courting of the Albatross.

    Other points of interest in the Galapagos Islands are El Géiser, El Soplador, and Cucubes, all of which are home to a variety of exotic and rare birdlife. Santiago is well known for having some of the best and most accessible scuba diving in the Galapagos Islands and also because it offers the chance to walk between lava flow formations all the way to the volcanic conic peak of Bartolomé, where furry seals and sea lions dwell. On North Seymour, there are colonies of frigate birds, sea lions, and blue-footed boobies. The Plazas Islands are an important habitat of sea lions, iguanas, cactus, and seagulls. Santa Fe is a bay surrounded by forests of giant cactus, sea lions, sparrow hawks, and iguanas. Isabela is home to a nursery of turtles and constant volcanic activity. In 1998, after twenty years of activity, Volcano Cerro Azul suddenly erupted.

    The Galapagos Islands are home to a Marine Reserve which has been declared a Natural Heritage Site. There are 62 destinations to visit in the islands.


    Sports and Adventure Tourism

    In certain areas of the Galapagos Marine Reserve, it is possible to partake in both deep or shallow diving and to have close-up contact with the impressive aquatic species of the sea: coral reefs, whales, whale sharks, hammer head sharks, sting rays, manta rays, sword fish, turtles, and many others. In the depths of the sea, there are strong ocean currents and the impressive extrusions of lava that shouldn’t be missed by divers while they are enjoying the exotic marine wildlife. Other marine habitats are formed of rocky bottoms, vertical walls, and mangroves. The area is sometimes affected by natural phenomena, such as cold water currents and the effects of El Niño.

    The Galapagos Marine Reserve encompasses an area of over 133,000 square km.. Diving in the Archipelago is one of the greatest adventures possible. The area is considered one of the seven most important regions in the world for divers. Islands such as Santiago, Bartolomé, and Floreana (La Corona del Diablo) all offer excellent diving. One of the most interesting tours passes through the lava formations of the island of Santiago. And on Santa Cruz, there are trails that wind through the island’s vegetation of cactus, scrub, and mangroves. On these islands, studied by Charles Darwin, there are 54 land sites where tourists can go on walks with specialized guides.


    Sun and Beach/Virgin Beaches

    Tortuga Bay, located in Puerto Ayora (Isla Santa Cruz), is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Galapagos Islands. It includes two beaches, separated by a headland of mangroves, each of which is covered with marble colored sands. On Floreana, on the other hand, there is Playa Negra, the black lava beach. On the island of Santiago, there are also beaches ideal for swimming. Other beaches include: Playa Ochoa (San Cristóbal), Playa Espumilla (Marchena), and Playa Bahía Darwin (Genovesa).

  5. The Galapagos is absolutely a tourist destination.  The best month to go is in November.  Then you can see the fabulous mating displays of many birds, including: the Magnificent Frigate Birds displaying with their red gular sacs, the Waved Albatross courting with their bill-fencing ritual; the Blue-footed Boobies with their blue footed dance display, and you'll also see the Nazca Boobies and Red-footed Boobies with young in their nest.  You will be able to approach within 1-3 meters of all of those birds.

    The best cruise company to contract with is one that operates yachts for no more than 16 tourists at a time.  That way you will get good individual services.  Cruise companies also differ according to the rating system of their guides.  The National Park Service of the Galapagos gives guides a 1, 2 or 3 rating based on their knowledge of the natural history of the islands.  Be sure to go with a company that has guides rated 3.

    You want to go for at least 8 days/7 nights to see a good variety of the geology and biology of the islands.  Definitely choose an itinerary that includes the tortoise reserve on Santa Cruz, and islands that offer visits to ecosystems where you'll see marine iguanas, land iguanas, flamingos, penguins, and sea lions.  Plan to do some snorkeling on your visit.  No where else in the world can you snorkel (or dive) with marine iguanas, penguins, sea turtles, as well as beautiful reef fish.

  6. If you have already booked you have something amazing to look forward to..... I did an 8 day tour on the sail ship Diamante, the crew were brilliant, our guide was so enthusiastic and in a small group we got to see the best of the animals when the islands weren't crowded.

    You can only go to certain parts of the islands as they are a conservation area but you get to see so much.

    Take a postcard for the barrel post box (you leave a card and pick up a card to deliver by hand to near to where you live).

    Definitely recommend snorkelling with the turtles, penguins and especially the sea-lions. Play with them... they love it!

    Go and say hi to lonesome George, the only turtle left of his species.

    I loved the fact each island seemed to have it's own personality and different animals and birds chose different islands to live.

    Respect the islands and the wildlife and you will have the most stunning time.

    Also if you get chance go out in Quito, the teleferico is great for views and the markets are fun.


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