
Anyone been to Germany here?

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Or live there? If so, can you tell me about it! Everything and anything. It seems so cool there and a beautiful place, like the bavarian alps and Munich seems like such an interesting city!




  1. Berlin is perfect

  2. I live near Frankfurt, one of the biggest cities and there you can do so much...Zoo, shopping, swimming, many museums, etc...

    In summer it is hot, so you can go to the swimming pool and in winter mabey it will snow and you can go "ice-skating" :)

  3. Yes, I went on vaction 2 times last year, and I try to get there about once every year or so. I was born there and still have family there. If you would like to know a few things about Germany, like for example- take a train or rent a car, where to stay, or when the best time to visit, and also about the Euro, just let me know. I will be glad to answer any question, and can try to guide you as best as I can. Mike

  4. OK, German native right here!

    Thanks to all the other posters for the praise of my home country! Wow! Even the one who presumed I was dying my hair black, which I do NOT do. And I don't know anyone who does, actually... maybe it's a Koeln-thing, which is, by the way, g*y-capital of Germany, so maybe that's why all the guys dress like they are g*y. Hm...

    That aside: Yes, Germany is a wonderful country. What especially would you like to know? I myself grew up in northern Bavaria, around Würzburg, and my favorite castle in the world is the Würzburger Residenz, a renessanse castle with lots of frescos and stucco. My Anti-Stress picture, though, is a view of the "Festung Marienberg". Looking at it, knowing for how long it's been there and what it's gone through, trouble and stress fall away from me.

    I like the Rhön, which is a natural park close to where I grew up, with loads of peaks, views, fresh air and cold, dangerous, romantic lakes you can't swim in, but that just look beautiful.

    I like the beer. (no more to say about that! ;))  )

    I like wine, wineries and the Mosel-Region, which I have come to know while picking grapes during wine harvesting season. The view on the river as you stand in the wineberg, the sun shining down on you... wow. Makes wine taste four times as good.

    I like the people, the customs, the buildings, the sometimes small and winding roads.

    I love Munich, with the numerous foreign tourists, and I like the way people look at me when they think I am just another tourist and I surprise them by speaking their dialect. I love the bavarian dialect, but it is a little different from my northern Bavarian, or to be exact, Frankonian accent. Still close enough to be counted in as a "homy", though.

    I love Berlin with it's drive, the numerous unique little shops, the new ideas popping out of every corner of a city so full with history it basically knocks you down. It sucks you into its buzz, and when you take a step back you realize how beautiful it is, and how, well, dignified. Being there just makes me happy.

    OK, let me snap out of my mood here! Wow! Yes, Germany is beautiful.

    Nonetheless: I wish I was in Louisville, KY today. It's Derby Day! GDI, do I want to be in the innfield! Mint Julip for me, please!

    (Lived in Louisville for a year)

    Numerous places are beautiful. Home is were the heart is, though.

    Have a good one!

  5. i went there when i was younger. all i can remember was it being really snowy and i was always really tired. we went to a concentration camp it was really neat.

  6. i lived there twice while dad was in the army, i was 14 the last time, oh its so beautiful, i would love to go back. there is feilds of flowers in the country, looks like your in heaven, we lived in the econamy for  while which was in the country, the little farm houses are like amish, all shutter windows,its so pretty, in the city where we lived was Heilbron, and there is lots lof castles to see and monuments, the streets then were of cobble stone, theres no speed limit over there either, so watch the autobaun, at school we went on feild trips to the salt mines, i liked that. and old, old churches,but i loved the castles the best, their very interesting and most beautiful,they are noted to for the black forrests, the stores on clothing are made so good and cheaper than our stuff, you got to try the gummies bears, thats where they first started, ut lots better than ours, if you like bread and rolls try their brochen,  they are so good,, i could go on and on,you have a great time and take some pictures, theres so much to see and do, have fun,and becareful...

  7. Been there... I lived there! Munchen is an awesome city and the surrounding area is just the best place in all of Germany. I lived in Erding which is where the new Airport is. You can take the train to Munich and then take a train where ever you want to go. Be sure to see allthe wonderful museums there and take a trip down to Garmish and the Sees also.

  8. I lived there for 9 years - its a great country - there is so much to see and do. The food is so great - the have every kind of food you could want - but German food is the best! Its rich and filling. The people can be stuck up, but they do speak English pretty well, they are nice most of time, but get rude if you don't try to speak German. They are very clean. I lived in Frankfurt for 3 years and its like a little New York, busy and a little dirty. I lived in Stuttgart for 3 years - mostly clean, spread out, and a little boring -- but great Christmas Mart -- they are always having fest which is wonderful! I Also lived in Heidelberg for 3 years that was the best - its like right out of history, coble stone streets and huge castle - Germany is full of culture and history. I would go back in heart beat, but when you live there you will miss 24 hour stores and American Breakfast - they have nothing like that. They believe in working to live not living to work - so their stores are not open late and not open on Sunday.

  9. I went to germany for 2 weeks last year and i fell in love - I drove all over the country.  Things are very efficient and clean and people are nice and smart.  the landscape is beautiful.  Berlin is AWESOME.  

    If you are in the south check out a mud bath and some of the natural caves.  

    Also eat some doner kabab which is not german but it is a turkish fast food found all over the country.

    have fun!

  10. Actually Hamburg is the most exciting city in Germany - I travel there every year.

  11. Germans are rude, pushy, and have staring problems.  All the young guy dress like they're g*y.  All the young girls dye there hair black.  German women love American men. The beer is great.  I love driving on the autobahn.  Everything I buy costs nearly twice as much as in America.  All the stores close at 8 pm and are closed on Sunday.  Everyone speaks english.  The food is good, especially the bread.  German bundle up their kids, even in the summertime.   The weather is always changing and generally raining.  The architecture is amazing.  The countryside is very beautiful.  

    It was great when I first moved here, but three years later and I'm ready to go back to the states.  I'm moving back in July :)

    I'd check out Koeln or Cologne as we say in English.

  12. Germany is a very nice place to visit.  I live in Bavaria (Bayern)'re right... is very beautiful especially at this time of year.  I especially like driving and enjoying the countryside.  I live in a rural area, but the city is only 5 minutes away so I'm able to enjoy the best of both worlds.

  13. From the wind and sun pelted sand dunes of the eastern see, to the unforgiving snow and ice caped mountains of the Alps, there is more history and different landscapes, gorgeous medieval villages, 1000 year old castles and bustling modern cities, then you can possibly explore in a lifetime.

  14. It's amazing.  I intend to move there as soon as I graduate from college.  Berlin is incrdible... Frankfurt is beautiful.  And all the little towns are just like in the Sound of Music.  :)

  15. I've only been to Hamburg - and it's important to remember that Germany is a large country to explore!

    The people are very friendly, and the food was great (except for the tea - the milk isn't right for tea).  The trains were very efficient, and they were so kind to my son.  Even in urban spaces they had spaces for parks, which was very nice.  

    I can't wait to go back, actually!

  16. I went in April '07 and loved it! The people there were so nice and friendly. I visited Munich, Koln and Füssen. I liked Munich the most. I currently attend a college with 90 german students and they are so nice and next Christmas i might go to Berlin ans stay with a family. You should go, you will love it!! Especially the beer....the nightlife is really good too!

  17. We lived in Stuttgart for 3 years and Munich for 4 years.  We love to talk about those years in Germany.  Our kids loved it too.  Highlights would have to be exploring Munich, October Fest. Garmish , the Alps, Berchesgarten. Also going up the Berlin the year before the wall came down.  Making German friends.  Wonderful people.  wow.  Wonderful memories. Hope to go back for a visit in the future.

  18. Garlstedt, mid-70s. Used to walk around a bit...Bremen, Bremerhaven, Olsterholz-Scharmbeck...beautiful country. Flatlands, up about 30 clicks from the North Sea. Clean. Folks didn't like us, though, especially the old folks.

  19. i am german i lived there until last year i absolutely miss it. it so clean it has huge indoor swimmingpools thats the most i miss about it. You can have so much fun there. and most young people speak english there too.

  20. I live in Germany!

    And it RULES!

    I love it here!

    There are sooooooo many

    great things to do!

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