
Anyone been to Venezuela??

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Id like to know a few things about venez as 'my friend' would like to travel there and party.

wheres the cheapest place to stay (city , town hotel or b+b)

how easy is it to pull local chicks??

how easy is it to get hold of colombian marching powder???

As you can see 'my friend' wants to party like a rock star. any help appreciated :D




  1. Listen, I was born in Caracas but I've been living in New York since I've been 4 years old. The last time I went there was in 2000. Since then it's gotten worse from what my family tells me, but that's everywhere anywhere.

    I'm thinking about going there again for the first time in 8 years for my cousin's wedding, but I'm gonna be in the non-touristy areas and I'll blend in cuz of my looks ( whatever that means, but you can guess ) just as long as I don't speak too much Spanish. My Spanish  is horrible.

    There's no REAL resentment towards North Americans so don't pay any attention to what certain people are saying, especially President Loco Chavez. Yet the crime rate has gone up somewhat. Many more Ranchos and poorer people building them closer and closer to the private apartments and houses.

    As for the girls, well .. this ain't the Dominican Republic. Sorry, but it's true. I've found out that Venezuelan girls aren't whores and don't sleep around with guys just like that. And if you were to find one that does, would you REALLY want to? C'mon. I'm sure if your FRIEND *wink wink* feels the need to get laid, he can find a girl for the night, but again, do you...I mean, does HE REALLY want to to that?

    As for the Colombian marching powder: Guy, if you're friend is looking to get convicted first and wait for a trial later while getting his chocolate tunnel violated on the regular by some of the dirtest, nastiest criminals on the face of the earth, by all means let him. An american prisoner is like GOLD over there and believe me, our government is NOT gonna pull strings or make phone calls for any idiot dumb enough to go ANYWHERE and score some drugs on a foreign land. ESPECIALLY one who's leader thinks our ( LOL! Leader ) is a Devil.

    My suggestion, Margarita Island. Plenty of foreign tourist there along with English speaking Venezuelans. Kinda outta the way of the BS that's on the mainland. As for drugs over there? Don't know.

    Enjoy and stay humble. Don't bring too much attention to yourself .. I mean, tell him that.

  2. Don't listen to these dudes, they don't know nothing, venezuelan girls are hot, they don't like drugs i'll tell you that, and you can find some cheap maryjane around here everywhere, Merida is the most smoking city of all because of the students. Girls here love gringos you'll find one, i recommendbig citys to party like Maracaibo, Valencia and Caracas, but i hate Caracas to much traffic, and if you want to see some cool beaches go to Morrocoy also know as Tucacas. Also you know what here theres no speed limit and you can drive and drink, so thats great, and there are not so many accidents while driving drunk, we are used to that, and it's not dangerous is like anywhere in the world, the danger is everywhere and you can get mugged even walking in the US in a dark street, same here, so don't listen to those guys. Find me at these page and see my list of friends you'll find some hot girls from here. You can look for me too at facebook just type my name luis soto, i'll give you more tips, bye man

  3. Venezuela is NOT a place for a gringo right now. A LOT of anti gringo sentiment coming from Chavez' leftist goverment. I would advise that you not go. Also, Venezuela is NOT kind to those who are caught with cocaine. Drug sentences are long, prision is unimagineable horrible. Try another country.

  4. I dont think this is the best place for "your friend" to "party like a rock star" right now. Not because of the discrimination cause I think most venezuelans dont have issues with "gringos" despite what Chavez might say, but because what you have already been told: the insecurity. It really is dangearous here. But I see gringos everyday here so its up to u. I think Caracas would be the best place to party, but drinks and food in Mérida state are so much cheaper! and is not as hot as Caracas, clime is cooler there. About the chiks I think is like everywhere, theres every tipe of girls here, you just gotta find "your tipe", and do you really need drugs to have a nice time? sorry but thats just lame. BTW Margarita Island is also a good option.. well I thought so you know with the beaches and everything but I just found this I hate to say this about my own country =( but its the thruth.

  5. It is a dangerous country to travel to, especially at the moment, as I am reminded every time I suggest a trip there.

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