
Anyone been to the o2 Arena in London?

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I'm going to a concert & want to sit closest to the stage.

But, I've heard there are no seats on the ground, so you have to stand.

Do you no if the rows closet to the stage have seats?





  1. Go to the 02 website and look up the seating plan.

  2. I haven't been, but according to this

    the venue is huge, so you should have no problem getting seats, there are loads of seats.

    Actually a friend of mine went recently, and said that she was scared of hieghts (she actually is) so they moved them all to front seats at no extra cost, nice!

    You can always check to find out the o2 listings too.

  3. The floor area can vary depending on the concert but most concerts are seated in the floor area. Go onto the O2 web site and enter the name of the concert you are going to and it will show you a seating plan for that event, and whether there is standing.

  4. When I went you had to stand... not sure if it's changed.  Check out:

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