
Anyone been told theyre having a boy on an ultrasound and ended up having a girl?

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I'm just wondering how common of a mistake that is. I would think if they say its a boy they've SEEN something to assume so.I'm supposed to be having a boy and would be totally baffled ( but still happy)




  1. My dads so fat he look like he's pregnant.

  2. hola =D

    jeje yeah actually they told my mom I was gona be a boy and she bought me nothing but guy stuff =( so sad lol i had to wear race car stuff ... for like the first month or two XD jaja

    it happens ...

  3. No...ultrasound is very accurate, you can grow one, but one doesn't fall off, but people will lie on here just to cause a controversy also!

  4. is not so common but it does happen one of my mom's friends had like 7-8 months when the doctors told her she was gonna have a baby girl so she had everything pink the baby's room, her clothes everything and when the baby arrived they were all surprised that it was a baby boy so the dad had to go to the nearest store to go buy some boy is better to confirm the ultrasound with at least 3 different doctors just to make sure they are correct

  5. they are wrong sometimes...but most of the time their accurate. you should ask how sure they are about the gender...they'll prolly give u a percentage...n if u want to make sure, go back towards end of pregnancy..they should b able to tell u for sure then.

  6. they just told my sister she was having a boy a few months ago, now she just learned it's a girl and they were wrong

  7. My mother was told I was going to be a boy but, heh.  

    Born a female.


  8. Ohh this is scary I am 37 weeks pregnant with a boy. But I heard that more often they say its a girl and it comes out a boy. Rare does it happen that they say its a boy and comes out a girl. When we did the ultrasound to find out what he was we got to see his little p***s. Goodluck!

  9. Ultrasounds are pretty accurate.

  10. no,never

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