
Anyone besides me notice anything about the crowd at the RNC?

by Guest66594  |  earlier

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Now, I can not help but go there. I know I should not, but my goodness... The crowd at the DNC was a melting pot of faces. Now, the RNC seems to have a lot of spirit, and enthusiasm, but there is definitely something missing. Where is the melting pot tonight? Now I know some are going to scoff at the implication, but I had to ask this question...




  1. I suspect all the Republican Indian-Americans are busy working (based on Biden's comment about were they all work in Delaware*) but don't worry, no way they are voting for jOebama, after what Biden said about them.

    But seriously look at what happens when someone like Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele of Maryland shows his face in public, the Democrats through insults at him (and worse at a historically black university in MD).  I figure they have to keep in the closet until the caring, kind Democrats accept them as people and allow them to exercise their right to be a member of whatever party they wish.

    * I guess he forgot how many Indian Americans in Delaware work at Pharmaceutical Companies and the ubiquitous financial firms that make up Wilmington.

  2. exactly. they dont like to appeal to a wide base they think america is just white and tight. and this dumb broad palin doesnt see that. all she is , is just a ploy.

  3. They are all fat white guys that look like they need metamucil or women that look like they are call girls looking for business from fat white guys?

  4. Somethings you just can't hide how you really feel and the RNC is proof of that!

    They'd even make Condi, come in through the kitchen entrance.

  5. We told them to go downtown and get some homeless minorities for the audience. This would be proof positive that trickle down works....eventually. Unfortunately, there were none, they had been rounded up.  Why do you want to know? You are white too...right?

    You are not allowed to question the RNC unless you are white

  6. Honestly it's just a sign of how racist the minorities are towards white people. They see a chance at a non-white to be President and regardless of his policies and ideas, which they know nothing about, (not their fault, no one really knows his ideas other than "change") they throw their support his way and refuse to even think of another white President. It's not a negative on our side, just shows how racist and ignorant the other minorities are.

  7. i dont scoff..when has the republican party done anything for minorities or women or anything other than straight white christians..or the working class like me..nothing..and never

  8. It's all white. It's terrifying. The DNC was diverse and really reflected the new direction of America. The RNC seemed more like a white power rally to me... and I'm white. All the chanting, all the hate.

    Obama's message is about hope and the future... it reflects the new direction of our country. The Republicans represent a past, filled with hatred and old standards. I hope that era will soon pass. Sarah Palin is a set back for womens' rights. Lieberman is a trader...

    PS... what was up with the Rabbi at the Rep convention? Was thata  cheap appeal to the chosen race? I'm soo offended and totally not buying it (i'm jewish). My Rabbi would not be up there... any self respecting Rabbi would not be up there.

  9. IT looked like a crowd of psychopaths...or murderers...the type that bombs countries for no reason other than evil. You followers of the Hitler regime years ago.

  10. I am truly just shocked..  Do you even listen?  There are many Blacks and Hispanics that are Conservative..  If you truly put the facts on paper, you will see.. I agree that the war has put us further in debt, but we were already there from Clinton's 8 years.   Our country is much safer now and although I would like to see our troops come home too, it is not the only reason we are suffering.. I am not rich, I am latin and 34 and I have the same tax bracket that someone who makes 1,000,000 makes and we make $75,000 (total household) thanks to the democrats not passing the tax cuts and brackets placed by them, I could lose my house and already have lost 100,000 in equity....  You see how they waited till we were already in a depression to get the tax refunds approved..  and FINALLY ----  use some brains... if we are not protecting our homeland and our taxes go up, more jobs lost (hence 150 years of democrats) then guess what, we won't be able to protect our country and will have another civil war..  Obama has run nothing and also, has only served about 150 days in the Senate... Are you kidding?  that is a joke.....  McCain 22 years....  and they say ..... LIBERAL WHILE YOU LEARN - CONSERVATIVE WHEN YOU EARN....

  11. Yes, it definitely looks like a bunch of my grandfather's buddies in cowboy hats.  And what's with all the empty seats?  The cameras are trying not to show them, but I've caught a couple of glimpses of some huge bare spots at the back of the arena.   The DNC was SRO at a much lager venue.

  12. LOL So funny the Republicans have nothing to say about this either. Oh except that one racist comment. Typical.

  13. The Republicans are well known for not caring about issues involving people other than Christian, white, heterosexual men.

    It looks like a crowd full of cryptkeepers to me.

  14. Yeah I thought it was a corporate vanilla convention. Because I'm black its refreshing to see someone else notice that there was not a sampling of America there.

  15. Well at the DNC you have all of the people riding the "Obama train" who in reality know nothing about him or his politics, and are simply doing the popular thing and supporting Obama.  On the other hand, the majority of people at the RNC actually know their politics and are supporting them for the right reasons.  So, the RNC is missing all of the fakers from the DNC.  

  16. Now that you mention it, it does look kinda lilly-white out there.  Did see one Asian-looking guy.  JUST one.

  17. It consists of Sarah Palin's immediate family since they can't seem to stop getting pregnant. There was no more room for anyone else.

  18. It's because they tried to pay a few brothers and sisters to come there, but they had to pay off Levi's parents to make him come. Can you imagine what Levi's partners are saying to him? Man, is she still talking...???

  19. More women, white folks (I am white).  The cameras focused in on the only 2 black men, one black woman, and 2 or 3 other ethnic looking people in the crowd.  My hubby and I were commenting on the same thing.  We said the camera men were probably told..."You take the right side of the stadium and find any folks of color and I'll take the left side".  Was the former MD statesman who spoke black?

  20. Cowboy hats and Black folk what more do you need.;...

  21. Somewhat yes.

    I noticed something far more interesting though.

    I noticed that many are not applauding after some of the more bold faced lies coming from the speakers.

    Even a few groans during Rudy's and Palin's speeches.

    Is dishonesty staying with this promise of change?

    Apparently so.

  22. The 2 black people, 2 Mexicans, and one Chinese woman there totally think they're white.

  23. You hit the nail on the head.  The audience is very vanilla.

  24. It really is disturbing, and of course not new...   I think however it is at the core of what is different between the 2 parties.   You will get ridiculous answers from the right suggesting that social programs is why minorities are liberal...   I think that is hogwash.   I think there are  minorities have liberal and conservative views alike.   The truth however, is that the Republican Party gives the perception that they could care less about folks that aren't like them...    I mean to look at how homogeneous that crowd was last night was frankly sickening...     News flash, our country is full of diversity, and if the Reps don't start to recognize that then I think our country will go in another direction...   I mean,  I suspect even some hard core Reps had to be concerned with the makeup of the crowd...

  25. I was thinking the same thing!  omg   It looks like a sea of white people.  Are we the only people in America?   I'm proud that the Democratic party is a diverse group of people, who actually represent America!

  26. Come on, that's unfair.  The crowd is very diverse.

    * Young white men

    * Old white men

    * Young white women

    * Old white women

    * Blonds, Brunettes, even a couple Redheads!

    Oh wait, I think I just saw a Latino man.  Ooops, false alarm, just a guy with a great tan.

  27. did you ever watch that movie "Disturbing Behavior"?  Do you remember the Blue Ribbons in that movie.  Thats what it reminds me of and also the stepford wives.

  28. its just that the republicans and democrates are two different types of people we go we suport but we don't go crazy like the democrates do don't think that were not inspired thought....

  29. Well Im Latina and I support the RNC for this year only and Im not white Im BROWN.....

  30. I noticed the same thing. They were definitely doing well with the white 60+ crowd. They did have the token minority members though.

  31. There are quite a few Latinos and Asians in the Republican delegation. Perhaps you just didn't notice them because they weren't dark enough for you?

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