
Anyone born on 9 November??

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plz describe how do u like? how u behave basically? wht kind of trait tht u like n dont like....wht kind of treat tht u like n expect people treat u?? wht kind of thngs tht make people usually misunderstood on u?? wht kind of treat tht actually can make u happy??




  1. You can't just can't go by the day of birth. There's other factors that goes into a persons personality. I've met several people born on the same date as me,  yet we all have different personalities because you have to factor in the Moon, Rising, Mars, and Venus Sign. All this changes based on the Time, and Year of birth.

  2. I'm November 9. I'm possessive, jealous ( a bit), people are usually drawn to me. What can make me happy right now would be going back to my ex. But it seems like he's not making a move. People misunderstand me by thinking i'm conceited when I'm quiet. I have libra rising so I can go from one extreme to another: very quiet to very social.

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